Members of Electronic Sports League (ESL)

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
61) neptuNo 316 0.10 France
62) eXoR 73,028 0.10 Germany
63) Andreas 3,908 0.10 Germany
64) Foxy 275 0.10 Germany
65) K a s p a h 4,479 0.10 Germany
66) sEbZoR 1,942 0.10 France
67) raiden 19,391 0.10 Germany
68) bAsH 32,740 0.10 Germany
69) sidneyyy 68,211 0.10 Germany
70) Blacklide 7,859 0.10 Germany
71) Marc 329 0.10 Germany
72) ChainSaw 391 0.10 Germany
73) sentiii 4,191 0.10 Germany
74) Julian 1,233 0.10 Germany
75) DennY 1,455 0.10 Germany
76) hiS 2,852 0.10 Germany
77) tobi 1,123 0.10 Germany
78) MacKe0ne 862 0.10 Germany
79) eXIt 46,025 0.10 Switzerland
80) Fillmore 1,954 0.10 Germany
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