Members of SETI.Germany

NameTotal creditRecent average creditCountry
41) Rudi 1,294,729 580.00 Germany
42) Roberto Erler 228,488 575.19 Germany
43) Niesy74 836,583 557.89 Germany
44) Profile Prinz_G 1,129,826 506.98 Germany
45) Michael Stürmer 314,665 505.77 Germany
46) Defender 13,517,861 501.80 Germany
47) Milbret 7,646,413 499.29 Germany
48) @ 4,285,302 493.06 Germany
49) lugu 1,024,467 492.74 Germany
50) Zobel 417,573 484.91 Germany
51) Stefan 1,383,125 466.38 Germany
52) celadm 506,530 450.00 Germany
53) RavenQwest 25,061 445.93 United States
54) shadowshark 1,293,806 389.76 Germany
55) gr-boinc 1,506,759 389.20 Germany
56) Marcorinna 105,237 377.99 Germany
57) MikeBrug 978,670 352.78 Germany
58) Ploost 1,424,964 341.21 Germany
59) kretschi 166,248 317.50 Germany
60) 2,316,106 292.81 Germany
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