do more work

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Message 76664 - Posted: 28 Apr 2014, 14:14:42 UTC

Hi all

im fairly new to world community grid and I really like it and what I can do with it

basically I want my computer to be maxed out whilst doing work so basically I want it to do the most work it possibly can.

can anybody help me with regards to what settings or preferences I can change to make this happen please.

my computer is:

intel i5 3570k overclocked to 4.2ghz
16gb corsair vegence pro ddr3
asus r9 290 graphics card

thank you
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Message 76666 - Posted: 29 Apr 2014, 0:59:32 UTC

Hi Matt, if you are wanting to do work for World Community Grid to the best of to your computer's ability you need to ask this question over in the World Community Grid forum. I must admit the credit you have racked up here at Rosetta in just over a month is not too bad at all. Best of luck on your venture. One thing to note currently World Community Grid does not have any GPU work, to my knowledge there is currently none on the horizon.
Have a crunching good day!!
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Message 76679 - Posted: 1 May 2014, 19:54:22 UTC

Here's a couple of tips:

If BOINC's setting for "While processor usage is less than" is not 0, then set it to 0. Otherwise it will stop processing when there's other CPU activity.

Make sure "Leave applications in memory while suspended" is checked.

Increase the "Use at most" memory values as high as you can live with. I use 65% and 96%.

If running more than one project, increase "switch between applications every" to a high value (say 1440 minutes i.e. one day)

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Message 76681 - Posted: 1 May 2014, 21:58:02 UTC

Matt wrote:
im fairly new to world community grid...

Speedy wrote:
Hi Matt, if you are wanting to do work for World Community Grid to the best of to your computer's ability you need to ask this question over in the World Community Grid forum...

I think Matt is just getting a little confused with terminology and is asking about the BOINC software in general.

I myself started with World Community Grid (at the time branded as United Devices) and the guys there were always keen to emphasise their brand (they were/are a commercial organisation). Quite a few participants over the years have had difficulty distinguishing the differences between BOINC and WCG's own brand software and sometimes see the other BOINC projects as part of WCG rather than WCG being one part of BOINC.
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Message 76685 - Posted: 2 May 2014, 11:28:28 UTC

In addition to what dcdc already posted:

- Suspend work while computer is in use?: no
- Suspend GPU work while computer is in use?: no (not available here at Rosetta)
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