Real World Rosetta results

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Message 75362 - Posted: 13 Apr 2013, 2:41:42 UTC

Dear world Rosetta community,
I have begun crunching for BOINC and I decided to choose Rosetta out of all the BOINC projects available to me. I have 3 computers (My main one with a powerful i7 and two old netbooks with atom processors) and would like to know if BOINC and especially Rosetta have produced any real world results (i.e. found a cure for a disease) in all these years it has been running. I hope this is not taken as some sort of blasphemy or anything :) I'm seriously just wondering.
Thank You,
Ps: Please excuse any potential grammar/spelling or sentence construction errors, english is not my native language and it's late here in Argentina so I'm tired.
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Message 75367 - Posted: 13 Apr 2013, 12:04:44 UTC - in response to Message 75362.  

Dear world Rosetta community,
I have begun crunching for BOINC and I decided to choose Rosetta out of all the BOINC projects available to me. I have 3 computers (My main one with a powerful i7 and two old netbooks with atom processors) and would like to know if BOINC and especially Rosetta have produced any real world results (i.e. found a cure for a disease) in all these years it has been running. I hope this is not taken as some sort of blasphemy or anything :) I'm seriously just wondering.
Thank You,
Ps: Please excuse any potential grammar/spelling or sentence construction errors, english is not my native language and it's late here in Argentina so I'm tired.

I am NOT sure about today but in the past Rosetta has been perfecting the 'process' to figure out HOW to do that. Meaning they were not finding the cure, they were perfecting the 'process' to find a cure. It isn't as easy as plugging in different drugs and seeing which works and which doesn't, that could take a lifetime and still nothing might not be found! So streamlining the process of HOW to use the program to find a 'cure' was key to making our workunit crunching valuable. Rosetta HAS published stuff and it IS in the public domain. They do alot of contract type work, getting donations from places like The Gates Foundation as an example. There is a whole thread from Dr. Baker himself outlining some of this.
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Message 75369 - Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 5:09:58 UTC

I translated the whole wikipedia article into spanish for cases like this:

I also added subtitles in spanish for the promo video:
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Message 75371 - Posted: 15 Apr 2013, 11:07:08 UTC - in response to Message 75369.  

I translated the whole wikipedia article into spanish for cases like this:

I also added subtitles in spanish for the promo video:

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Message boards : Number crunching : Real World Rosetta results

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