Uploading takes hours?

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Matti Viljanen

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Message 73834 - Posted: 14 Sep 2012, 16:47:03 UTC

Hi, new (well, returning) user here!

I downloaded BOINC and chose Rosetta as my first project to join. Right away I had to bang my head against a fairly solid concrete wall because of http://boinc.berkeley.edu/dev/forum_thread.php?id=7466 but that's solved now. The WUs began to get downloaded and my CPU keeping my apartment less cold.

At time of writing I have 23 tasks marked as "Uploading" and 1 marked as "Ready to report". I can't help wondering that uploading just 25...65KB has taken between 1...2 hours now, and counting.

Is this normal?

I'll try to answer the obvious questions here:
* Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, Finnish language and locale
* BOINC 7.0.28 x64, not using boinc_master account
* My Internet connection works.
* The connection is via 3G dongle, but it's rock solid (uptime 3 days and counting)
* I've also tested over my friends ADSL connection, no change.
* I've switched my anti-virus and firewall off, no change.
* I have received - via 3G - some credit already, so fundamentals should be okay.

Protips highly welcome...
Matti Viljanen, Finland
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Message 73851 - Posted: 17 Sep 2012, 0:06:43 UTC - in response to Message 73834.  

Hi, new (well, returning) user here!

I downloaded BOINC and chose Rosetta as my first project to join. Right away I had to bang my head against a fairly solid concrete wall because of http://boinc.berkeley.edu/dev/forum_thread.php?id=7466 but that's solved now. The WUs began to get downloaded and my CPU keeping my apartment less cold.

At time of writing I have 23 tasks marked as "Uploading" and 1 marked as "Ready to report". I can't help wondering that uploading just 25...65KB has taken between 1...2 hours now, and counting.

Is this normal?

I'll try to answer the obvious questions here:
* Windows 7 Professional 64-bit, Finnish language and locale
* BOINC 7.0.28 x64, not using boinc_master account
* My Internet connection works.
* The connection is via 3G dongle, but it's rock solid (uptime 3 days and counting)
* I've also tested over my friends ADSL connection, no change.
* I've switched my anti-virus and firewall off, no change.
* I have received - via 3G - some credit already, so fundamentals should be okay.

Protips highly welcome...
Matti Viljanen, Finland

This is no help but you have covered all the obvious bases. My gut instinct would suggest firewall and/or DNS issues, but it appears you have eliminated the firewall (windows firewall isn't on too, is it?) Also as an additional data point I currently use a Verizon MiFi for internet access for my work PCs so I would think your tethered connection would work fine. Also, aged but perhaps relevant... years ago, I used a 2G Sprint tethered connection (14.4kbps) and uploaded hundreds of units without trouble.
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Message 73863 - Posted: 19 Sep 2012, 18:09:47 UTC

In a word, no it is not normal. It looks like you now have many successfully completed work units. So the problem has been resolved in some way. Did you find a Windows setting, firewall or router that was blocking the upload?
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Matti Viljanen

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Message 73940 - Posted: 30 Sep 2012, 8:43:20 UTC

I joined CPDN.net and Collatz projects, but they, too, start building the upload queue up. Then I bought an used laptop which now has Linux Mint 13 installed. I plugged the 3G modem in and shared it with my desktop via lan cable. I clicked "Retry Now" and immediately a few results were successfully uploaded.

However, there was four uploads - two for CPDN.net and two for Rosetta - stuck on status "Upload: active" but nothing happening. So, in the name of science, I aboted one CPDN.net upload, and the next one is being pushed at about 100kb/s as I write.

But the same doesn't apply to Rosetta uploads. I aborted one, only to get another started and stuck.

Update to the as-I-write: no upload is getting anywhere. I'm getting a bit frustrated here. I work in the problem-solving section in IT field, and it really seems now that the issue is beyond my control. Like the servers have repeatedly major issues etc. I mean, come on, how can uploading 50KB have taken 1h 21m already? It should be uploaded in a flash! Actually, it seems that all my Rosetta uploads are hung at 25...27%.

Still, accepting all tips.

Thanks all!
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Message 73942 - Posted: 30 Sep 2012, 15:50:14 UTC - in response to Message 73940.  

I joined CPDN.net and Collatz projects, but they, too, start building the upload queue up. Then I bought an used laptop which now has Linux Mint 13 installed. I plugged the 3G modem in and shared it with my desktop via lan cable. I clicked "Retry Now" and immediately a few results were successfully uploaded.

However, there was four uploads - two for CPDN.net and two for Rosetta - stuck on status "Upload: active" but nothing happening. So, in the name of science, I aboted one CPDN.net upload, and the next one is being pushed at about 100kb/s as I write.

But the same doesn't apply to Rosetta uploads. I aborted one, only to get another started and stuck.

Update to the as-I-write: no upload is getting anywhere. I'm getting a bit frustrated here. I work in the problem-solving section in IT field, and it really seems now that the issue is beyond my control. Like the servers have repeatedly major issues etc. I mean, come on, how can uploading 50KB have taken 1h 21m already? It should be uploaded in a flash! Actually, it seems that all my Rosetta uploads are hung at 25...27%.

Still, accepting all tips.

Thanks all!

I don't really know what else to say other than it's not the servers having major issues because no one else is having this problem.
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Matti Viljanen

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Message 73945 - Posted: 1 Oct 2012, 20:53:57 UTC


After searching, I found out that there are debug logging options. I enabled http_xfer_debug, http_debug and file_xfer_debug options. The log is quite massive, so I threw it to Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/MtMg4SE0 It's valid for one month. Please have a look at it and see if you could identify the issue. It looks like to stop at "Done waiting for 100-continue". It only waits for one second, and I do have a mobile broadband, which can be laggy sometimes, so could it simply timeout?

On the other hand, I just uploaded a handful of Collatz and CPDN results worth 100MB or so, no issues there. Upload speed was steady 380-420 KB/s...

I also enabled Windows firewall logging for dropped packets, but I've got no dropped packets so far.

Oh yeah, tried ISP proxy, too. No change.
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Matti Viljanen

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Message 73947 - Posted: 2 Oct 2012, 15:44:30 UTC
Last modified: 2 Oct 2012, 15:52:12 UTC

I tested with a Huawei 3G dongle and my Nokia N9 cell phone, still the same. It just seems that Rosetta is the only one with this uploading issue. This was the same with an ADSL, too.

EDIT: I just noticed something curious. The various Rosetta upload tasks are stuck at various per cents, but they all claim to have uploaded exactly 16.00KB of the data. This indicates that the packet just gets lost on the way, or the acknowledgement packet never reaches my computer...

I'd like to hear the project maintainers' comments on this one, this really seems odd. Is there any way I could do that?
Your daily nuisance,
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Message 73949 - Posted: 2 Oct 2012, 15:55:55 UTC - in response to Message 73942.  
Last modified: 2 Oct 2012, 15:59:19 UTC

I don't really know what else to say other than it's not the servers having major issues because no one else is having this problem.

One thing to try would be using a proxy server, something many are doing successfully for to be able to connect to the permanently overloaded SETI servers. A 3G connection can't be the reason, I'm using myself that to connect to internet, even when I'm down to 64Kbit/s after I used up my "fast" volume I still have no issues here, even if the uploaded files are several MB in size.
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Matti Viljanen

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Message 73953 - Posted: 2 Oct 2012, 16:41:56 UTC - in response to Message 73949.  

One thing to try would be using a proxy server, something many are doing successfully for to be able to connect to the permanently overloaded SETI servers.

I've tried my Internet service providers proxy server, but it didn't affect anything.
A 3G connection can't be the reason, I'm using myself that to connect to internet --

My connection is stable, too, tested with two dongles. Still, I miss my 40/10 Mbit/s cable at the old place...
Can you hear me?
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Message 73955 - Posted: 2 Oct 2012, 18:30:09 UTC - in response to Message 73953.  

One thing to try would be using a proxy server, something many are doing successfully for to be able to connect to the permanently overloaded SETI servers.

I've tried my Internet service providers proxy server, but it didn't affect anything.

You should try one, that does not belong to your ISP, otherwise you might still be using the same route to the rosetta servers.
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Matti Viljanen

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Message 73968 - Posted: 3 Oct 2012, 18:26:41 UTC - in response to Message 73955.  

You should try one, that does not belong to your ISP, otherwise you might still be using the same route to the rosetta servers.

Excellent point. However, I tried another ISP, too (ADSL on a friends house), and things didn't change. I guess I need a proxy abroad...
Going abroad.
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Message 73978 - Posted: 6 Oct 2012, 12:24:48 UTC - in response to Message 73968.  

You should try one, that does not belong to your ISP, otherwise you might still be using the same route to the rosetta servers.

Excellent point. However, I tried another ISP, too (ADSL on a friends house), and things didn't change. I guess I need a proxy abroad...
Going abroad.

Try here: http://www.proxy4free.com/list/webproxy1.html
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Matti Viljanen

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Message 73999 - Posted: 12 Oct 2012, 9:45:55 UTC
Last modified: 12 Oct 2012, 9:47:54 UTC

Oh gawn noes! Poem project does exactly the same thing! 16KB and then stop. What's more, the amount of data to be returned is about 16,5KB so... Yeah, annoying.

Time to bring the big guns.

Edit: Oh yeah, I couldn't find usable proxy. I tried about 20 of those. I guess I assumed some settings wrong... Could you throw me a working settings set?
Matti Viljanen
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Matti Viljanen

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Message 74000 - Posted: 12 Oct 2012, 10:04:15 UTC

Hi all!

I *think* it's fixed now. I removed my antivirus altogether and reseted winsock, and now after reboot the two failing Poem project uploads finished in a flash.

Re-re-joined Rosetta now, waiting for a few WUs to finish now. Stay tuned...
Unprotected, unprepared.
Matti Viljanen
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Matti Viljanen

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Message 74005 - Posted: 12 Oct 2012, 16:40:57 UTC

Holy smokes. I think it really works. Apparently, both Rosetta and Poem results were uploaded OK - at least they don't show in the transfer list anymore.

So: If you're using F-Secure Technology Preview (or possibly F-Secure Internet Security) you could run into trouble. Whitelisting the exes and temp folders doesn't help. I'll still try reinstalling it, just to be sure...
In shock and awe.
Matti Viljanen
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Message 74007 - Posted: 12 Oct 2012, 19:57:07 UTC - in response to Message 74005.  

Whitelisting the exes and temp folders doesn't help.

Have you whitelist the BOINC data or program directory? It's the BOINC client, that uploads the files, not the science applications.
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Matti Viljanen

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Message 74008 - Posted: 12 Oct 2012, 21:30:45 UTC - in response to Message 74007.  
Last modified: 12 Oct 2012, 22:16:07 UTC

I seem to have been right; after reinstalling FSTP I can't upload (at least) Rosetta results any longer. (EDIT: After uninstalling it, no reboot, uploads work again!) I'll file a bug report on that one to F-Secure. Stay tuned...

Have you whitelist the BOINC data or program directory?

I previously had the program files subdirectory excluded and the BOINC working dir, too; no change.
Matti Viljanen
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Matti Viljanen

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Message 74122 - Posted: 28 Oct 2012, 16:32:57 UTC

Hi, again.

F-Secure is still investigating this. In the meantime, they released update TP71, which didn't fix the problem.

Back to MSE, again.
Dodging the bullet.
Matti Viljanen
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Message 74141 - Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 15:03:44 UTC - in response to Message 74122.  
Last modified: 31 Oct 2012, 15:04:12 UTC

Hi, again.

F-Secure is still investigating this. In the meantime, they released update TP71, which didn't fix the problem.

Back to MSE, again.
Dodging the bullet.
Matti Viljanen

Hi Matti,

I had the same problem and for alomost half a year I tried everything and got more and more frustrated as only some projects won't update/ I got F-Secue via my ISP and they gave both great service. F-Secure is still working on th problem but there is a good workaround. It is a module in Internet Security that is preventing uploading somehow. If you use IE or FF as browser then you are fully protected if you do the following (F-Secure is fully installed):
1. Open the command prompt window from Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt
2. Change directory by typing 'cd Program FilesF-SecureappsOnlineSafetyFSCC'
3. Run command 'instfsccsys.exe --stop'.
4. Run command 'instfsccsys.exe --uninstall'. WFP will then be uninstalled
(Can also be in the Program Files x86 directory you have the check that)

If this is done you don't have to do anything within a few minutes uploading starts and all is normal.
If you use Chrome, Opra and such then that is not protected.
I have this from a software developer from F-Secure headoffice who is working on the issue and keeps me updated or asked me to test some things. Very good support from F-Secure i must admit.
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Message 74145 - Posted: 31 Oct 2012, 22:43:49 UTC

From F-Secure Release 1 manual

How to disable parental control and web traffic scanning if you experience network connection problems (for Windows Vista or Windows 7)
In this release, parental control and web traffic scanning using Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) will be installed on Windows Vista or Windows 7.
If you experience problems with your network connection and wish to disable the web traffic scanning in Online Safety, you may do so by following these steps:
1. Open the command prompt window from Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt
2. Change directory by typing 'cd Program FilesF-SecureTechnology PreviewappsOnlineSafetyFSCC'
3. Run command 'instfsccsys.exe --stop'.
4. Run command 'instfsccsys.exe --uninstall'. WFP will then be uninstalled

Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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