That's twice

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Message 68552 - Posted: 10 Nov 2010, 23:35:51 UTC
Last modified: 10 Nov 2010, 23:38:11 UTC

Ok now I know that Penguin just tee'd you guys off.
But you could have removed his post.
As for Modsense, to me he has gone to far and should be removed.

David E K should be the moderator now.
I still ask that both previous threads content be reviewed by the Attorney General of the University of Washington for reviews of censorship.

I am now going to remove myself from these boards and hope that in 3 weeks this nuclear attack will have finished. If it still goes on you can expect me to withdraw from the project for a period of time. Not that it matters, as there will always be new people to replace me.

Note: David E K. Please clarify your post in the other thread further. It still leaves an open area. Direct posts of addresses are NOT ok, but links to them are?
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Message 68554 - Posted: 10 Nov 2010, 23:50:45 UTC

Tekintettel a David E. Kim posztját a most lezárt téma:

Természetesen tudod csinálni! Úgy értesültem, figyelemmel korrekció, hogy Baker Lab és a Rosetta olyan szervek, amelyek a Washingtoni Egyetem, amely így az állami egység. Így ugyanazok a szabályok és kötelezettségek egyéb Washington állami szervek és ügynökségek. Nagyon jogszerűségét vitatja a fórum szabályt, amely megtiltaná a kiküldetés a kapcsolattartási információkat Washington állami szervek, akik képesek helyrehozni azt, hogy az egyének, akik sérelmet a másik ellen washingtoni állami szervezet. Amit miért Washington állam a bírósági rendszer. Segít rendezni közötti viták ésszerű, akik nem értenek egyet.

Defeat Censorship! Wikileaks needs OUR help! Learn how you can help (d/l 'insurance' file), by clicking here. "Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech" B. Franklin
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 68555 - Posted: 10 Nov 2010, 23:53:12 UTC - in response to Message 68554.  

Tekintettel a David E. Kim posztját a most lezárt téma:

Természetesen tudod csinálni! Úgy értesültem, figyelemmel korrekció, hogy Baker Lab és a Rosetta olyan szervek, amelyek a Washingtoni Egyetem, amely így az állami egység. Így ugyanazok a szabályok és kötelezettségek egyéb Washington állami szervek és ügynökségek. Nagyon jogszerűségét vitatja a fórum szabályt, amely megtiltaná a kiküldetés a kapcsolattartási információkat Washington állami szervek, akik képesek helyrehozni azt, hogy az egyének, akik sérelmet a másik ellen washingtoni állami szervezet. Amit miért Washington állam a bírósági rendszer. Segít rendezni közötti viták ésszerű, akik nem értenek egyet.

Penguin, post in English. David is trying to calm things down and your other mother tongue is not helping.
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Profile David E K
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Message 68556 - Posted: 10 Nov 2010, 23:58:04 UTC - in response to Message 68552.  

Note: David E K. Please clarify your post in the other thread further. It still leaves an open area. Direct posts of addresses are NOT ok, but links to them are?

yes. that seemed reasonable to us as long as it's public information, a link seems okay. But also, it should be relevant and not counterproductive to the project.
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Message 68557 - Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 0:00:50 UTC - in response to Message 68556.  
Last modified: 11 Nov 2010, 0:10:27 UTC

nothing here that was violative of the rules.

at greg_be's request, willing to give DEK the benefit of the doubt.
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Profile David E K
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Message 68558 - Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 0:03:36 UTC

Well, as long as what Penguin is posting follows the rules, and of course I have no idea if it does, it's okay. Now if someone translates it for us and it doesn't follow the rules, I can banish and remove accounts. But I don't want to spend anymore time on this so please follow the rules.


If someone can help us translate these posts, please do.
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Profile David E K
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Message 68559 - Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 0:06:08 UTC

and also, let's take this conversation off the forum please.

Just email me if you have any concerns or would like to talk about this further.
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 68561 - Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 0:10:27 UTC - in response to Message 68556.  
Last modified: 11 Nov 2010, 0:20:33 UTC

Note: David E K. Please clarify your post in the other thread further. It still leaves an open area. Direct posts of addresses are NOT ok, but links to them are?

yes. that seemed reasonable to us as long as it's public information, a link seems okay. But also, it should be relevant and not counterproductive to the project.

-end this thread as well then- Greg_BE
Note: I am not starting any new threads here. I have had enough.
The main moderator of this forum has made me feel that it is not in my interest to post anything further.
Also please include a link or create a thread that clearly says what the rules are. Then we can all refer to that information. I think the title Cafe Rosetta posting rules is a good title.

So long Cafe Rosetta.
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Profile David E K
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Message 68562 - Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 0:20:58 UTC
Last modified: 11 Nov 2010, 0:22:58 UTC

Thanks for explaining the history of this issue Greg_BE. If it was a link, than it should be okay, and this is hopefully clear now to everyone now that it's listed in the rules.

The rules should be to the left of the text box for posting stuff. The last line on the list is what I added recently.
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Message 68563 - Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 0:24:38 UTC

Actually Greg, the original deleted post said "check out his address: ... in google maps." with no links provided. I believe you can view your own deleted posts if you look at the list of your posts in your profile while you are signed on to the message boards.

DK is well aware of what was said, by whom, in what order, etc. etc. All of the posts (including those that were "hidden") are viewable to project moderators.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 68565 - Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 0:47:25 UTC - in response to Message 68563.  

Actually Greg, the original deleted post said "check out his address: ... in google maps." with no links provided. I believe you can view your own deleted posts if you look at the list of your posts in your profile while you are signed on to the message boards.

DK is well aware of what was said, by whom, in what order, etc. etc. All of the posts (including those that were "hidden") are viewable to project moderators.

I just noticed that. But you could have edited that post just like you edited out penguins flaming remarks to you and left the white house address intact. You could have asked me to change that to a link. I would have done so immediately. I would have also gone back and provided the link for the story I was using for my post.

If you had done that we could have avoided this mess entirely. It would have taken you just a little more time.
I am still left with a bad taste in my mouth and still don't really trust you.

The text you speak of is hidden when I run my browser window at half width since I am using another browser for other things.
That is why you should create a thread with these same rules.
Then there is no confusion at all. Half width window or full width window, it is in the list of topics and can be viewed either way.

I will withdraw from Cafe for a period of time still after tomorrow.
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Message 68566 - Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 0:50:46 UTC
Last modified: 11 Nov 2010, 0:51:00 UTC

enjoy your travels / vacation !
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Sid Celery

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Message 68567 - Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 3:08:48 UTC

Good grief... :(
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Message 68572 - Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 12:42:14 UTC - in response to Message 68556.  

Note: David E K. Please clarify your post in the other thread further. It still leaves an open area. Direct posts of addresses are NOT ok, but links to them are?

yes. that seemed reasonable to us as long as it's public information, a link seems okay. But also, it should be relevant and not counterproductive to the project.

David E. Kim:
So who decides if the info is 'public information' or not? Are we back to having mod-sense be the determining factor? That was the problem in the beginning of all of this, their unwillingness to spend 10 minutes on a subject to decide if it was okay to see it on the Rosetta boards or not, so the decision was instant made to not allow it! If moderators can't find the time to do the job as is required, and it DOES take some time to figure out if something is okay or not sometimes, then they need to move on. I WAS a moderator over at Seti for a while, I no longer am and will not be again, it is a thankless job that gets flak from both sides! I do not know if it is okay to post quotes from a closed thread or not but if you, David E. Kim, go back to the "new thread", recently closed by you I am guessing, and read mod-sense's posts about his views on moderation maybe you will get an idea of what is going on here. They seem unwilling to put time into a conversation that has been going on for a long time and is making Moderator decisions basically on the spur of the moment. As we all know having your post 'moderated' can be a personally challenging moment, each person reacts differently. But in the end each person DOES react! To not take the time needed to figure out if something is okay to be posted or not and to make a decision based on the spur of the moment, as in the case of posting something any middle school kid can find on the internet, and to then say 'well I can't tell if it is legal or not' is just silly. And then Mod-Sense said, and I am NOT quoting, 'well even if one website has it it doesn't mean they aren't being forced to remove it right now' is just silly too. You do what you can now and worry about what you can and you can't be worrying about what someone else is doing someplace else. If the NY Times posts an address for someone and I then post the same info here and then the NY Times gets sued for it, you can bet the info about the lawsuit will be talked about here. You can also bet that ANY lawyer worth his pay will find the info on the Rosetta boards too and ask for it to be removed as well, at which point you SHOULD!

This is longer than I wanted it to be, but I am doing what Greg is, taking a hiatus from these boards and leaving you to your own doings! Obviously I too feel strongly about the WAY things were done, you see as a former firefighter integrity means a lot to me! How things are done is often more important to me that what was done, and this situation stinks!
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Message 68574 - Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 13:56:31 UTC
Last modified: 11 Nov 2010, 14:01:01 UTC


You've hit the nail on the head !

What mod.sense said what he didn't want to do, he now will have to do !

Exactly what does "relevant and not counterproductive to the project" mean ?

I am certain I could go through all the threads and find dozens and dozens of posts which possibly fit this "standard"!

Perhaps all of us should be good little Rosie volunteer donors, and do exactly this, "purify" the forum boards, and "mod alert" all posts which possibly could meet this criteria.

But since mod.sense will not have an automatic tool to go through all these, I fear as he stated in a now-closed thread, he will simply resign and walk away.

You know what they say, when the going gets tough, the tough...... quit ?

Note: David E K. Please clarify your post in the other thread further. It still leaves an open area. Direct posts of addresses are NOT ok, but links to them are?

yes. that seemed reasonable to us as long as it's public information, a link seems okay. But also, it should be relevant and not counterproductive to the project.

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Message 68579 - Posted: 11 Nov 2010, 16:30:57 UTC

If you find threads that you feel should be removed from the boards, you may point them out, without being off-topic, in the moderator's contact thread here in the Cafe.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 68599 - Posted: 12 Nov 2010, 11:56:18 UTC - in response to Message 68579.  

If you find threads that you feel should be removed from the boards, you may point them out, without being off-topic, in the moderator's contact thread here in the Cafe.

I thought that was your job as moderator? First you moderate then you ask for help? Hmmm this is how and why Seti had all of its problems, the moderators got over zealous and the mice started running the asylum. As in 'I think this or that thread should be moderated' or 'this person said this or that moderate them'. NO it is YOUR job to moderate and find threads that don't meet the criteria, not mine or ours. To ask for our help now is asking us to put our criteria on what needs moderating and that is how this whole thing started, you moderated a post/posts that we didn't think should have been moderated! No YOU and the other moderators must now go thru each and every past post to ensure it meets the new criteria, or you KNOW we users WILL do it and then throw it back at you as an example of what you let thru 'last time'. Have a really fun day!!!
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Message 68614 - Posted: 14 Nov 2010, 1:09:06 UTC

Ah, if you note, I did not request any help. But some users are certain that dozens and dozens of such posts exists, so, not claiming to be perfect, I am simply providing confirmation on how one might constructively point these out.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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