Low credit?

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Message 67857 - Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 4:18:23 UTC

I haven't used Rosetta in a while, so I was wondering if my credit is normal, it seems kind of low. Average WU takes about 10K secs per thread with an i7 920 at 3.6Ghz, with about an average of 60 credits each. That means 24(hours in a day)*3600(seconds in an hour)*8(threads)*60 (credits per WU)/10000(seconds to finish WU per thread) = ~4000 credits per day. This seem to mesh with what the rest of you are getting? Thanks.
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Message 67870 - Posted: 29 Sep 2010, 11:39:23 UTC - in response to Message 67857.  

I haven't used Rosetta in a while, so I was wondering if my credit is normal, it seems kind of low. Average WU takes about 10K secs per thread with an i7 920 at 3.6Ghz, with about an average of 60 credits each. That means 24(hours in a day)*3600(seconds in an hour)*8(threads)*60 (credits per WU)/10000(seconds to finish WU per thread) = ~4000 credits per day. This seem to mesh with what the rest of you are getting? Thanks.

Not for me, you are actually getting more credits than I am! I have 2 pc's and one of them is doing this:
10,639.33(time to crunch) 22.69(requested credits) 13.88(granted credits)
The other pc is doing this:
10,447.70(time to crunch) 28.78(requested credits) 37.95(granted credits)

The 1st pc is a 3.4ghz dual core while the 2nd is a 2.8ghz dual core, the 1st has 2 gig of ram while the 2nd has 4 gig of ram in it.
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Message 68317 - Posted: 1 Nov 2010, 11:59:27 UTC
Last modified: 1 Nov 2010, 12:05:49 UTC

Can someone explain to me how credit is worked out. Nearly all my workunit granted credit is way below what is claimed.
For example
https://boinc.bakerlab.org/rosetta workunit.php?wuid=343084200
CPU Time 17,069.93 Claimed Credit 96.74 Granted Credit 0.46
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Message 68325 - Posted: 1 Nov 2010, 21:05:27 UTC

Geoff, the task that your mention is likely a long-running model, see the thread sited and the discussion there about credit and fairness and averages and benefit to science and the project.

I only see two tasks with extremely low credit. One had what I can double headers. For whatever reason, these only seem to grant credit for the last set of headers (2 models in both of your cases). If you can help the developers understand what was going on with your machine at the time these ran, that might help track down that problem.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 68340 - Posted: 2 Nov 2010, 12:29:00 UTC

This is from the BOINC Messages for one of the very low credit tasks

01/11/2010 10:54:52 Einstein@Home Computation for task h1_1147.50_S5R4__305_S5GC1a_0 finished
01/11/2010 10:54:58 rosetta@home Restarting task celldivs_LL_1de2_1vsr_ProteinInterfaceDesign_26Oct2010_22394_261_0 using minirosetta version 216
01/11/2010 10:54:59 Einstein@Home Started upload of h1_1147.50_S5R4__305_S5GC1a_0_0
01/11/2010 10:55:07 Einstein@Home Finished upload of h1_1147.50_S5R4__305_S5GC1a_0_0
01/11/2010 10:56:22 rosetta@home Computation for task celldivs_LL_1de2_1vsr_ProteinInterfaceDesign_26Oct2010_22394_261_0 finished
01/11/2010 10:56:22 rosetta@home Starting celldivs_LL_1de2_1vaj_ProteinInterfaceDesign_26Oct2010_22394_261_0
01/11/2010 10:56:22 rosetta@home Starting task celldivs_LL_1de2_1vaj_ProteinInterfaceDesign_26Oct2010_22394_261_0 using minirosetta version 216
01/11/2010 10:56:23 rosetta@home Started upload of celldivs_LL_1de2_1vsr_ProteinInterfaceDesign_26Oct2010_22394_261_0_0
01/11/2010 10:56:28 rosetta@home Finished upload of celldivs_LL_1de2_1vsr_ProteinInterfaceDesign_26Oct2010_22394_261_0_0
01/11/2010 11:02:05 climateprediction.net Sending scheduler request: To send trickle-up message.
01/11/2010 11:02:05 climateprediction.net Not reporting or requesting tasks
01/11/2010 11:02:07 climateprediction.net Scheduler request completed
01/11/2010 11:42:33 Einstein@Home Starting h1_1147.40_S5R4__570_S5GC1a_2
01/11/2010 11:42:35 Einstein@Home Starting task h1_1147.40_S5R4__570_S5GC1a_2 using einstein_S5GC1 version 302
01/11/2010 11:43:20 rosetta@home update requested by user
01/11/2010 11:43:22 rosetta@home Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
01/11/2010 11:43:22 rosetta@home Reporting 1 completed tasks, not requesting new tasks
01/11/2010 11:43:25 rosetta@home Scheduler request completed
01/11/2010 11:43:34 Einstein@Home update requested by user
01/11/2010 11:43:36 Einstein@Home Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
01/11/2010 11:43:36 Einstein@Home Reporting 1 completed tasks, not requesting new tasks
01/11/2010 11:43:40 Einstein@Home Scheduler request completed
01/11/2010 12:43:55 climateprediction.net Restarting task hadsm3dhet2_jjwt_006588799_1 using hadsm3 version 607
01/11/2010 14:03:47 Einstein@Home Restarting task h1_1147.40_S5R4__570_S5GC1a_2 using einstein_S5GC1 version 302
01/11/2010 14:31:21 climateprediction.net Sending scheduler request: To send trickle-up message.
01/11/2010 14:31:21 climateprediction.net Not reporting or requesting tasks
01/11/2010 14:31:23 climateprediction.net Scheduler request completed
01/11/2010 15:09:52 climateprediction.net Restarting task hadsm3dhet2_jjwt_006588799_1 using hadsm3 version 607
01/11/2010 15:26:23 Einstein@Home Computation for task h1_1147.45_S5R4__330_S5GC1a_0 finished
01/11/2010 15:26:43 Einstein@Home Restarting task h1_1147.40_S5R4__570_S5GC1a_2 using einstein_S5GC1 version 302
01/11/2010 15:26:44 Einstein@Home Started upload of h1_1147.45_S5R4__330_S5GC1a_0_0
01/11/2010 15:26:53 Einstein@Home Finished upload of h1_1147.45_S5R4__330_S5GC1a_0_0
01/11/2010 16:05:29 Einstein@Home Starting h1_1147.30_S5R4__244_S5GC1a_1
01/11/2010 16:05:32 Einstein@Home Starting task h1_1147.30_S5R4__244_S5GC1a_1 using einstein_S5GC1 version 302
01/11/2010 17:05:37 rosetta@home Restarting task celldivs_LL_1de2_1vaj_ProteinInterfaceDesign_26Oct2010_22394_261_0 using minirosetta version 216
01/11/2010 17:07:23 rosetta@home Computation for task celldivs_LL_1de2_1vaj_ProteinInterfaceDesign_26Oct2010_22394_261_0 finished
01/11/2010 17:07:23 rosetta@home Starting celldivs_LL_1de2_1v2z_ProteinInterfaceDesign_26Oct2010_22394_261_0
01/11/2010 17:07:23 rosetta@home Starting task celldivs_LL_1de2_1v2z_ProteinInterfaceDesign_26Oct2010_22394_261_0 using minirosetta version 216
01/11/2010 17:07:24 rosetta@home Started upload of celldivs_LL_1de2_1vaj_ProteinInterfaceDesign_26Oct2010_22394_261_0_0
01/11/2010 17:07:26 rosetta@home Finished upload of celldivs_LL_1de2_1vaj_ProteinInterfaceDesign_26Oct2010_22394_261_0_0
01/11/2010 17:21:48 rosetta@home update requested by user
01/11/2010 17:21:50 rosetta@home Sending scheduler request: Requested by user.
01/11/2010 17:21:50 rosetta@home Reporting 1 completed tasks, not requesting new tasks
01/11/2010 17:21:53 rosetta@home Scheduler request completed

As can be seen from this I am at present running 3 projects, Rosetta, Climate Prediction and Einstein which means that tasks will be suspended and restarted as resources are shared between projects.
The previous task that restarted at 10:54:58 and finished at 10:56:22 did not receive low credit.
The task that received low credit started at 10:56:22 then restarted at 17:05:37 and finished at 17:07:23

I hope this may be of some help

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Message 68346 - Posted: 2 Nov 2010, 16:20:29 UTC

Geoff, how do you have the setting for leave tasks in memory while suspended? This is the checkbox on the disk/memory tab of the preferences.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 68347 - Posted: 2 Nov 2010, 16:54:58 UTC

Box is unticked.
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Message 68349 - Posted: 2 Nov 2010, 17:06:13 UTC

Unticked, so the tasks are removed from memory and forced to restart from a preserved checkpoint each time. Good to know. Thanks.

I am uncertain if that is related to the problem at all, but it could be, so I wanted to ask. Also, unless your are having other problems using your machine or something, BOINC generally gets a tad more work done if you check the box. That way suspended tasks get swapped out to the page file and can resume where they left off, regardless of last checkpoint... although I believe the BOINC Manager is now much better at only preempting tasks after they checkpoint, so that is probably less of an issue then it used to be.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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