folding@home gpu and rosetta cpu

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Message 67215 - Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 16:00:06 UTC

I been using rosetta for a little while and like using it on my computer for the cpu.. however im running a 9800 m gts video card and was wondering if I could continue to run rosetta on the cpu and use folding@home on my gpu at the same time.. ive searched and came up with nothing.. just wondering if it would matter since it seems the 2 programs keep resources on either gpu or cpu. so I think it would work but just asking if it will work without killing performance of the other... thanks!
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Message 67216 - Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 17:29:53 UTC

That shouldn't be any problem. Note that all GPU applications must also use some CPU to drive them. But the fraction is generally small. So, yes, it would SLIGHTLY slow down any CPU dependent work (like R@h), but it would dramatically increase your GPU work.
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Message 67217 - Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 17:37:43 UTC - in response to Message 67216.  

That shouldn't be any problem. Note that all GPU applications must also use some CPU to drive them. But the fraction is generally small. So, yes, it would SLIGHTLY slow down any CPU dependent work (like R@h), but it would dramatically increase your GPU work.

so its safe to say I can run both since one uses gpu and one cpu...thanks alot!
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Message 67221 - Posted: 14 Aug 2010, 20:10:20 UTC

true that
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Message 67226 - Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 12:05:08 UTC - in response to Message 67217.  

That shouldn't be any problem. Note that all GPU applications must also use some CPU to drive them. But the fraction is generally small. So, yes, it would SLIGHTLY slow down any CPU dependent work (like R@h), but it would dramatically increase your GPU work.

so its safe to say I can run both since one uses gpu and one cpu...thanks alot!

Yes alot of us do that, we pick one project for the cpu and one project for the gpu and happily crunch away. Their are some things you will have to learn about but basically it will work just fine. Alot of us pick 2 different Boinc projects instead of like Boinc and Folding but the principle is the same. My gpu's, I have 9 of them crunching right now, use about 0.5% of the cpu to keep them running at or near 100% of their crunching power, so the cpu usage is very small and you probably won't even notice it. Now you WILL notice that your computer becomes more sluggish when you want to play games or use it in general when the gpu is crunching. So don't do it on your main pc until you get the feel of how it will affect your day to day life.
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Message 67227 - Posted: 15 Aug 2010, 19:04:54 UTC

Similar to how I run Collatz on my GPU at the same time I run Rosetta on my CPU.

Nvidia GPUs tend to use less CPU tho, for some reason, But I've noticed they take longer to "suspend" the work.
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Message 67236 - Posted: 16 Aug 2010, 12:43:37 UTC - in response to Message 67227.  

Similar to how I run Collatz on my GPU at the same time I run Rosetta on my CPU.

Nvidia GPUs tend to use less CPU tho, for some reason, But I've noticed they take longer to "suspend" the work.

Slicker, the boss over at Collatz, said that suspending can cause memory issues, so I do not do that on my pc's anymore, and my RAC has gone up a bit. It does slow down my main pc now though when I try to do something else on it.
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Message 67242 - Posted: 17 Aug 2010, 3:03:25 UTC - in response to Message 67236.  

Similar to how I run Collatz on my GPU at the same time I run Rosetta on my CPU.

Nvidia GPUs tend to use less CPU tho, for some reason, But I've noticed they take longer to "suspend" the work.

Slicker, the boss over at Collatz, said that suspending can cause memory issues, so I do not do that on my pc's anymore, and my RAC has gone up a bit. It does slow down my main pc now though when I try to do something else on it.

I think problem arises when BOINC switches from one GPU app to another. Not my case tho, since I only have collatz running GPU.
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Message 67246 - Posted: 17 Aug 2010, 9:28:24 UTC - in response to Message 67242.  

Similar to how I run Collatz on my GPU at the same time I run Rosetta on my CPU.

Nvidia GPUs tend to use less CPU tho, for some reason, But I've noticed they take longer to "suspend" the work.

Slicker, the boss over at Collatz, said that suspending can cause memory issues, so I do not do that on my pc's anymore, and my RAC has gone up a bit. It does slow down my main pc now though when I try to do something else on it.

I think problem arises when BOINC switches from one GPU app to another. Not my case tho, since I only have collatz running GPU.

I do the same thing, my Nvidia cards are crunching at Collatz while my ATI cards are crunching for DNETC. Collatz gives better credits and fewer problems for my Nvidia cards and DNETC definitely pays better credits for ATI cards!
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