Setup for multi-core

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Kenneth Gibson

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Message 65789 - Posted: 21 Apr 2010, 4:49:16 UTC
Last modified: 21 Apr 2010, 4:50:05 UTC


I told myself I'd invest a core to help Rosetta once I finally moved passed single core CPUs and I'm doing just that. But my issue is only Rosetta wants to run. In the tasks it says Rosie's task is high priority, for several days on several packets now. Basically bullying out my other projects. But in the preferences all my projects read

"On multiprocessors, use at most 1 processors
Use at most 100 percent of CPU time"

So is there something else I'm missing so that Rosetta will let the other projects take a core for themselves?
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Profile dcdc

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Message 65790 - Posted: 21 Apr 2010, 7:56:49 UTC


I'm not sure (and I'm running an older version of BOINC than you so it's different), but I think the "On multiprocessors, use at most 1 processors" is the overall BOINC preference, so all projects will share 1 CPU.

I think you should be adjusting the:
Resource share and graphics: Rosetta@home preferences
share on the website.

Having said that, any extra power you can bring to R@H will be welcome at the moment!:

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Message 65793 - Posted: 21 Apr 2010, 11:46:16 UTC - in response to Message 65789.  


I told myself I'd invest a core to help Rosetta once I finally moved passed single core CPUs and I'm doing just that. But my issue is only Rosetta wants to run. In the tasks it says Rosie's task is high priority, for several days on several packets now. Basically bullying out my other projects. But in the preferences all my projects read

"On multiprocessors, use at most 1 processors
Use at most 100 percent of CPU time"

So is there something else I'm missing so that Rosetta will let the other projects take a core for themselves?

No you are running into deadline issues, the one thing you could change is the amount of work you cache, there are two for how often Boinc can connect to a site and another for additional work. You should probably keep both pretty low so you switch between projects fairly often. I would keep the first one, the "connect about every" one to say 0.10 or even set it to zero. Then the other one, the "Maintain enough work for an additional" I would set 0.25 or less. That way you don't get into trouble with having too many 'high priority' crunching inceidents. They happen when Boinc thinks it is getting close to you not returning the workunit on time. Many things are taken into consideration and Boinc is not always right, but it is waht it is. Keeping a smaller cache though will help to prevent it.

You cannot set one cpu for one project and a different cpu for another project, Boinc just doesn;t work like that, the setting "On multiprocessors, use at most" is the setting here at Rosetta and if you set that at 1, then Boinc will only use 1 cpu for all projects. If you set it at 2, or more, it will use that many processors, up to whtaever it can find, on ALL projects.

All the above settings are found under Your Account and Computing preferences.
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Kenneth Gibson

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Message 65797 - Posted: 21 Apr 2010, 21:24:40 UTC

Thank you I think I got it working right now, under Advanced>Preferences in BOINC the processor usage was set to 25% of total processors. After setting to 100% and benchmarks completed 4 units started crunching :D
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Message 65800 - Posted: 22 Apr 2010, 11:47:16 UTC - in response to Message 65797.  

Thank you I think I got it working right now, under Advanced>Preferences in BOINC the processor usage was set to 25% of total processors. After setting to 100% and benchmarks completed 4 units started crunching :D

You will still see the same problem because Rosetta will just download lots of work now based on the 4 cpu's it sees. I am glad you got all 4 cpu's working though!
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Message boards : Number crunching : Setup for multi-core

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