Scheduling request completed: got 0 new tasks

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Message 64620 - Posted: 29 Dec 2009, 1:55:09 UTC

BOINC Manager 6.10.18

Rebooted system, Windows XP SP3 32-bit.

The Rosetta/BOINC Scheduler is not sending any tasks when requested, multiple times over the past ~30 minutes.

Just prior to this there were 8 tasks (Core i7 920) executing.

Checked preferences. No changes, large memory & disk space limit, unlimited network bandwidth. >2GB available physical memory.
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Message 64622 - Posted: 29 Dec 2009, 10:04:16 UTC - in response to Message 64620.  
Last modified: 29 Dec 2009, 10:05:49 UTC

BOINC Manager 6.10.18

Rebooted system, Windows XP SP3 32-bit.

The Rosetta/BOINC Scheduler is not sending any tasks when requested, multiple times over the past ~30 minutes.

Just prior to this there were 8 tasks (Core i7 920) executing.

Checked preferences. No changes, large memory & disk space limit, unlimited network bandwidth. >2GB available physical memory.

Are you running other projects too on the same machine? If so Boinc could just be balancing the load out and getting more work from other projects that it thinks need them. Each project has a percentage that you assign it, over the long term Boinc will try and maintain or get to that percentage. Over the short term however Boinc is not a very good time manager.

You could also read this thread: They are talking about the same thing you are, no new work.
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Phil Savoie

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Message 64638 - Posted: 29 Dec 2009, 20:04:23 UTC

Yep me neither. My group of machines are not getting any work at all and updating doesn't do anything for work. I see the request but nothing comes down
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Message 64641 - Posted: 30 Dec 2009, 1:34:04 UTC - in response to Message 64622.  

BOINC Manager 6.10.18

Rebooted system, Windows XP SP3 32-bit.

The Rosetta/BOINC Scheduler is not sending any tasks when requested, multiple times over the past ~30 minutes.

Just prior to this there were 8 tasks (Core i7 920) executing.

Checked preferences. No changes, large memory & disk space limit, unlimited network bandwidth. >2GB available physical memory.

Are you running other projects too on the same machine? If so Boinc could just be balancing the load out and getting more work from other projects that it thinks need them. Each project has a percentage that you assign it, over the long term Boinc will try and maintain or get to that percentage. Over the short term however Boinc is not a very good time manager.

You could also read this thread: They are talking about the same thing you are, no new work.

The system receiving 0 new tasks only runs Rosetta, no other science projects.
Another system that is receiving tasks also runs only Rosetta.

Tried stopping BOINC (no tasks available to run), deleting the BOINC cookie, restart BOINC/Rosetta. No new tasks.

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Phil Savoie

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Message 64642 - Posted: 30 Dec 2009, 4:10:04 UTC

I have been looking on the rosetta page to contact someone about the problem but there doesn't seem to be a contact
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Message 64643 - Posted: 30 Dec 2009, 4:35:06 UTC

I have five machines running rosetta (and other projects) and none have received any new rosetta tasks for the past couple of days. I tried suspending all other projects on one of the machines and still no new tasks. And I don't think that the server status page is being updated -- seems to have had the same info on it each time I checked it today. So ... is anyone running the store? :-)
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Brian Koster

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Message 64644 - Posted: 30 Dec 2009, 5:09:00 UTC

Count me in on this issue too .... BOINC is requesting but nothin comin down the pipe
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Message 64645 - Posted: 30 Dec 2009, 5:19:07 UTC

Same situation here. No work units downloaded. Server status on Rosetta page shows multiple servers "not running". I've experienced problems like this before on holidays when nobody is monitoring the servers.
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Message 64646 - Posted: 30 Dec 2009, 6:42:30 UTC - in response to Message 64645.  

Same situation here. No work units downloaded. Server status on Rosetta page shows multiple servers "not running". I've experienced problems like this before on holidays when nobody is monitoring the servers.

The heck with this project.

I'm going skiing.

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Message 64656 - Posted: 30 Dec 2009, 16:39:16 UTC - in response to Message 64646.  

The heck with this project.

I'm going skiing.

That's the best advice I can give. You can't fiddle with your PC and create work on the servers for you to get. So, just let the BOINC Manager do it's retries and it will get work when it becomes available. DO NOT reset the project, it's not going to create work, and just results in needless load on the servers when work becomes available. DO NOT reboot your PC, or uninstall anything, or change your settings, it will not create any work.

If Rosetta is your only project and you are not otherwise using your PC, I'd suggest either attaching to another project that has work available, or turning off your PC until you need it again. That, after all, is what "idle time" is. You can adjust the allocation of your computer's time in the project specific settings on the website, under "resource share". By default, the number is always 100, and so a second project at 100 will result in a 50/50 share going forward. You could increase Rosetta to 1000 or decrease the other project to 10 and keep your emphasis on Rosetta. BOINC will get work from other projects you have configured when no work is available at Rosetta, even if it would otherwise be Rosetta's turn to run.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Profile John M. Kendall

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Message 64675 - Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 15:18:57 UTC

There has been no work available for several days now. Good thing that I have another project with work to run. Hope they get it up and running soon. Got to get that cure for cancer figured out soon. *:^)
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Message 64680 - Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 18:27:09 UTC - in response to Message 64675.  

There has been no work available for several days now.

Same thing here. Server status shows 8 servers with a status of "not running"
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Message 64681 - Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 18:46:05 UTC

Join POEM@Home, it's the closest project I found to Rosetta@Home. Use gridrepublic to add a project to multiple computers easily. Then detach from POEM once R@H goes back to normality.
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Message 64682 - Posted: 31 Dec 2009, 23:09:38 UTC
Last modified: 31 Dec 2009, 23:25:58 UTC

Lots of general advice among people of good will, but if you look on the Rosetta homepage, there's no communication from people who really know what the problem is. So we don't really know what the problem is. When the lack of communication gets bad enough, can we be blamed for imagining the Project may never come back?

You might suggest the organizers are working at generating more Work Units for us, and time spent explaining the lack of work will only lengthen the time it takes before work units are finally made available.

In response to that suggestion, I would like to make two points.

1) If Rosetta is going to dry up for a while, it would be good opportunity to stretch our Boincs, and see how the GUI will look if we attach to other projects. But if Rosetta is where our loyalties are, we might think that it's not worth experimenting with other projects if Rosetta is about to come back on line.

I.e., we measure our productivity and usefulness by our Average Credits, and all things being equal, we may not be interested in bothering to accrue 25 Average Credits in another Project. And, if we've been crunching here for years, why should we imagine the project would be down for such an extended period?

Well, the trouble has been going on for at least a week, apparently beginning with no credits being granted for a few days. This down-time is time that we might have used to significantly help other Projects, except that no one has motivated us to do so by being forthcoming about how long this stoppage is going to last. So, aside from our User-disappointment, other Projects got cheated out of potential unused clock-cycles because of our managers' lack of communications.

2) A lot of the User-participation in this project happens because the users believe they have a stake in the project, whether it's because we like to have an excuse to play with our computers, or because we really believe we're helping Medical Science. Occasionally, for whatever reason, some people actually pay hundreds of dollars on extra hardware just to increase their Rosetta work-output. And then, there's their labor.

The point being, by neglecting to communicate with the users about why work is not being distributed (i.e., on Rosetta's homepage or in this forum), the people who are running the show are disrespecting the intentions of the users who have continually demonstrated their interest by participating. You are implying that we are simply a cyber-cloud not worthy of involvement in the goings-on, regardless of the fact that some of us have been involved for years. "Going Skiing" is a euphemism for "If you don't care about our participation in your project, then why should I? Bye-bye." This is a worst-case, but not unexpected example of what lack-of-communication engenders.


Therefore, since the lack of work-units has been disturbing and is starting to cause loss of participation, I don't buy the argument that taking out 15 minutes to compose a forum-thread to address the users' concerns about what's going on would have been time poorly spent.
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Message 64684 - Posted: 1 Jan 2010, 1:05:13 UTC - in response to Message 64682.  

Lots of general advice among people of good will, but if you look on the Rosetta homepage, there's no communication from people who really know what the problem is. So we don't really know what the problem is. When the lack of communication gets bad enough, can we be blamed for imagining the Project may never come back?

Thanks for your insights.

My own insight is that it's Christmas and New Year and everyone on the project is having a well-deserved break and worrying about more important things, like their respective families, instead of washing their heads out about some downtime. Nothing to get your knickers in a twist about.

Meanwhile, back in the world that matters, happy new year to one and all.
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Message 64686 - Posted: 1 Jan 2010, 4:03:20 UTC

If you look at the server status page now, there are only a few hundred workunits available. Is it possible that none of them are suitable for your computer?

Also, is it possible that a server program needed for downloading them is among the list of server programs not running (currently about half of them)?
It looks like the one workunit generator program still running can't keep up with the workunit requests.

However, I just got a flood of new workunits from one of the other BOINC projects I participate in, so it looks like a few days before I'll be ready for more R@h workunits anyway.
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Message 64691 - Posted: 1 Jan 2010, 11:07:59 UTC - in response to Message 64681.  
Last modified: 1 Jan 2010, 11:09:24 UTC

Join POEM@Home, it's the closest project I found to Rosetta@Home. Use gridrepublic to add a project to multiple computers easily. Then detach from POEM once R@H goes back to normality.

In Africa a child dies from Malaria every 30 seconds, join the fight to find a cure at What I am getting as is there are many, MANY worthwhile Projects needing your help!! Just because Rosetta is having troubles at the moment, doesn't mean you have to stop crunching or get worried about it, just help another worthwhile project and then come back when Rosetta is back up and ready for you.

Here is a list of all active Distributed Computing Projects

There are even projects like Collatz where you can use your computer graphics card to crunch with.

I too believe Rosetta is 'one of the good projects', so when it is back on line come on back if you would like too.
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Message 64695 - Posted: 1 Jan 2010, 13:13:27 UTC - in response to Message 64656.  

If Rosetta is your only project and you are not otherwise using your PC, I'd suggest either attaching to another project that has work available, or turning off your PC until you need it again.

I have sometimes gotten 1 or 2 work units each day, not always zero, but usually zero.

I agree that there ought to be a home page with updated info... (?)
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Message 64699 - Posted: 1 Jan 2010, 16:26:17 UTC - in response to Message 64684.  

I'm sorry, but I have to disagree 100%. Get it fixed, then go swill egg nog with the wife-n-kids. I have six Q9550 systems. I'm moving over to POEM because at the moment, they appear to be more grateful for donated computing power.

My own insight is that it's Christmas and New Year and everyone on the project is having a well-deserved break and worrying about more important things, like their respective families, instead of washing their heads out about some downtime. Nothing to get your knickers in a twist about.

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Message 64701 - Posted: 1 Jan 2010, 17:18:29 UTC - in response to Message 64684.  

Nothing to get your knickers in a twist about.

That's an antagonistic and unnecessary comment. I don't believe you've seen my knickers up close enough to determine the extent of their twist, so you're just making an Assumption, which is generally not helpful.

There is a connection between the organizers and the volunteers that is being disregarded, and I don't think it's being too assertive to say so directly.

The first line on the Rosetta webpage begins, "Rosetta@home needs your help..." and the fact that we're all lined up to help but given nothing to do is like a practical joke, or maybe a bit like letting your parents worry because you never called to tell them you're OK but going to be late. It's a matter of responsibility and consideration.

The day before I wrote my comment, I attached my Boinc to I appreciate Mikey filling us in on what Malariacontrol is concerned with, so I'm more comfortable with the choice I made.

My own insight is that it's Christmas and New Year and everyone on the project is having a well-deserved break and worrying about more important things, like their respective families.

If that were the issue, I wouldn't criticize. But how can we know if that's the issue when no one took 15 minutes sometime during the last week to let us know?

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