100% but still running

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Message 60467 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 12:05:13 UTC

Hello there,

I've searched the forums but not found a thread about this.

Rosetta Beta 5.98

I have a WU that is marked as 100% progress but status is running. Task manager says it is not running. Is there a solution to this? I've suspended it for now to allow me to crunch other WUs.
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Message 60470 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 13:09:48 UTC - in response to Message 60467.  

Hello there,

I've searched the forums but not found a thread about this.

Rosetta Beta 5.98

I have a WU that is marked as 100% progress but status is running. Task manager says it is not running. Is there a solution to this? I've suspended it for now to allow me to crunch other WUs.

Restart it and see if it doesn't finish shortly, Boinc rounds numbers so 100% isn't EXACTLY 100%. I remember times when 100% meant another 15 or 20 minutes or more.
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Message 60481 - Posted: 4 Apr 2009, 0:11:49 UTC - in response to Message 60470.  

Hello there,

I've searched the forums but not found a thread about this.

Rosetta Beta 5.98

I have a WU that is marked as 100% progress but status is running. Task manager says it is not running. Is there a solution to this? I've suspended it for now to allow me to crunch other WUs.

Restart it and see if it doesn't finish shortly, Boinc rounds numbers so 100% isn't EXACTLY 100%. I remember times when 100% meant another 15 or 20 minutes or more.

I've given it a couple of hours more time and no change. Any ideas of how to kick it into completed state so I can send it off?
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Message 60482 - Posted: 4 Apr 2009, 0:18:39 UTC

One thing worth checking is bringing up the graphics window and seeing if the step value is incrementing: if it is I'd suggest leaving it alone.
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Message 60483 - Posted: 4 Apr 2009, 0:28:11 UTC - in response to Message 60482.  

One thing worth checking is bringing up the graphics window and seeing if the step value is incrementing: if it is I'd suggest leaving it alone.

The graphics window fails to open when I try this.
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Message 60488 - Posted: 4 Apr 2009, 11:36:06 UTC - in response to Message 60481.  

Hello there,

I've searched the forums but not found a thread about this.

Rosetta Beta 5.98

I have a WU that is marked as 100% progress but status is running. Task manager says it is not running. Is there a solution to this? I've suspended it for now to allow me to crunch other WUs.

Restart it and see if it doesn't finish shortly, Boinc rounds numbers so 100% isn't EXACTLY 100%. I remember times when 100% meant another 15 or 20 minutes or more.

I've given it a couple of hours more time and no change. Any ideas of how to kick it into completed state so I can send it off?

There probably is not a way, I would abort the unit(s) and move on.
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Message 60490 - Posted: 4 Apr 2009, 14:52:19 UTC - in response to Message 60488.  

Hello there,

I've searched the forums but not found a thread about this.

Rosetta Beta 5.98

I have a WU that is marked as 100% progress but status is running. Task manager says it is not running. Is there a solution to this? I've suspended it for now to allow me to crunch other WUs.

Restart it and see if it doesn't finish shortly, Boinc rounds numbers so 100% isn't EXACTLY 100%. I remember times when 100% meant another 15 or 20 minutes or more.

I've given it a couple of hours more time and no change. Any ideas of how to kick it into completed state so I can send it off?

There probably is not a way, I would abort the unit(s) and move on.

Did you simply suspend and resume the task while leaving BOINC running? In my limited experience with stuck workunits you have to stop BOINC completely not just suspend the one uncooperative task. If you haven't tried this or already aborted the workunit why not give it a try and see what happens?

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