Power spike screwed my BOINC

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Message 60425 - Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 20:26:04 UTC


Well this morning, the substation close to my house had a power surge, which tripped all the computers in the area, including mine.
After the recovery, I noticed that BOINC has reset the Rosetta@home project and therefore aborted all of the WU I had running. However, when I go to my computer online and view the tasks, it says there are 303 and they are all "in progress" however, I actually only have 32 WU on my computer. So what is going on, I think my BOINC may have requested too much work before the crash also...

Will the WU I did not complete be sent to someone else? and if so why have they not been changed to "client aborted" when I view the scans?

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Message 60426 - Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 20:38:18 UTC

In a nutshell, your client did not "abort" the tasks. You will find many of the tasks listed on the website are those you completed over the last week or two.

Yes, once tasks exceed their deadline, they will be reissued. No harm done. The system was designed for days like this.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 60427 - Posted: 31 Mar 2009, 20:53:25 UTC - in response to Message 60426.  

In a nutshell, your client did not "abort" the tasks. You will find many of the tasks listed on the website are those you completed over the last week or two.

Yes, once tasks exceed their deadline, they will be reissued. No harm done. The system was designed for days like this.

Ok, thanks.
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Message 60451 - Posted: 2 Apr 2009, 10:52:21 UTC - in response to Message 60425.  


Well this morning, the substation close to my house had a power surge, which tripped all the computers in the area, including mine.
After the recovery, I noticed that BOINC has reset the Rosetta@home project and therefore aborted all of the WU I had running. However, when I go to my computer online and view the tasks, it says there are 303 and they are all "in progress" however, I actually only have 32 WU on my computer. So what is going on, I think my BOINC may have requested too much work before the crash also...

Will the WU I did not complete be sent to someone else? and if so why have they not been changed to "client aborted" when I view the scans?

Thanks Hammeh

You might think about a UPS or Unninteruptable Power Supply. Essentially it is a battery in a box that you plug into the wall and then you pc and monitor into it and when the power fluctuates or goes out, you have time to gently shut down your pc. The bigger the battery the longer the pc can run without wall power. They are not real cheap, but if your power does this often enough to worry about, you might consider it.
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Message 60459 - Posted: 2 Apr 2009, 17:25:02 UTC

Well, this is the first time it has ever happened in my area. Exploding substations are not common...
Thanks for the advice, if it happens again I will definitely invest in some.
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Message 60468 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 13:02:38 UTC - in response to Message 60459.  
Last modified: 3 Apr 2009, 13:02:53 UTC

Well, this is the first time it has ever happened in my area. Exploding substations are not common...
Thanks for the advice, if it happens again I will definitely invest in some.

We had a squirrel make his nest in a local big box on the ground, we have underground utilities, and he fried the box, and himself, as he moved around inside it. The whole neighborhood was out for 8 hours, 2 weeks later another squirrel moved into his old nest and the same thing happened again!! This time the power company dug down around the box and put a wall of concrete almost a foot deep so the squirrels couldn't get in anymore. AND I bought some UPS's! Haven't not needed them since, but worth it at the time.
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Message 60473 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 19:51:15 UTC

With the number of computers I have running, it would be a n expensive upgrade, especially since i am a completely skint student lol.
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Message 60480 - Posted: 3 Apr 2009, 22:48:48 UTC - in response to Message 60473.  

With the number of computers I have running, it would be a n expensive upgrade, especially since i am a completely skint student lol.

I am guessing "skint" means broke? And yes they can be expensive if you have several, or more, pc's. For example I have 17 pc's running here at home, I have some used UPS's I found on some pc's, some UPS's I bought on other pc's, but even today not all pc's are protected! I even have 2 just for my hd tv's. And 1 more for my sons x-box.
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Message 60485 - Posted: 4 Apr 2009, 8:05:59 UTC

I may just invest it on my newer PC, such as my main desktop and the other quad/dual cores. I'm not overly worried about the P4's, its getting close for their time to be replaced.
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Message 60486 - Posted: 4 Apr 2009, 11:24:22 UTC - in response to Message 60485.  
Last modified: 4 Apr 2009, 11:24:54 UTC

I may just invest it on my newer PC, such as my main desktop and the other quad/dual cores. I'm not overly worried about the P4's, its getting close for their time to be replaced.

Instead of just throwing those old pc's away please consider donating them to the local Foster kid Adoption Program in your area. I refurbish computers for them in my area and it is one of the few things the kids have that they can call their own. No they are not fancy and we put Ubuntu Linux on them, but they all work and allow the kids to stay at home to do their homework on their own computer. Along with all the other things kids do with computers these days. None are high end gaming machines, but they do work, which is what is most important to them.
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