GPU @Rosetta

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Message 59023 - Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 15:12:16 UTC

Hi, use my boinc client the gpu of my GTX260 for Rosetta@home? I have the newest driver for the card and the newest boince client. Can i see that the gpu is used? If it is how much uses rosetta the gpu?

For Germans:
Huhu, benutzt mein boince client den gpu meiner GTX260 für Rosetta@home? ich habe den neusten Grafikchip treiber und den neusten boince client. Kann ich das auch sehen das er benutzt wird? Wenn ja wie stark wird der GPU belastet?
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Message 59024 - Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 16:31:58 UTC

Hello! There have been numerous threads on this topic.

The short answer is that Rosetta DOES NOT USE GPU's.

As far as I know, there are no plans to do so in the future.

If you want to use your nVidia gpu, you can try Boinc projects such as gpugrid, seti, yoyo, and non-Boinc Folding@Home.

Crunch on !!!
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Message 59028 - Posted: 25 Jan 2009, 20:10:57 UTC - in response to Message 59024.  

Hello! There have been numerous threads on this topic.

The short answer is that Rosetta DOES NOT USE GPU's.

As far as I know, there are no plans to do so in the future.

If you want to use your nVidia gpu, you can try Boinc projects such as gpugrid, seti, yoyo, and non-Boinc Folding@Home.

Crunch on !!!

is it realistic to expect a GPU version when the rosetta software is finished? or stable?

and start folding like folding@home does?
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Message 59034 - Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 11:04:34 UTC - in response to Message 59028.  
Last modified: 26 Jan 2009, 11:06:48 UTC

Hello! There have been numerous threads on this topic.

The short answer is that Rosetta DOES NOT USE GPU's.

As far as I know, there are no plans to do so in the future.

If you want to use your nVidia gpu, you can try Boinc projects such as gpugrid, seti, yoyo, and non-Boinc Folding@Home.

Crunch on !!!

is it realistic to expect a GPU version when the rosetta software is finished? or stable?

and start folding like folding@home does?

I don't think improving the Rosetta code will finish any time soon! The protein modelling problem is very complex and I don't think the software would be considered finished even if it could accurately model:
Protein-substrate complexes
Protein-Protein complexes
new enzyme design (for a given substrate)
enzyme control through inhibition

(i'm sure there's plenty more - I'm just goin from my biology degree from quite a few years ago!)

Mainstream GPGPU is very new so it will undoubtedly become easier to port code to, and I would assume porting some code to CUDA would be somewhat wasteful if OpenCL takes over, or maybe CUDA will run on ATI cards too, or... maybe Larabee will need some other language.

My guess is Rosetta will use GPGPU at some point, but I also guess the project has a long way to go and the port wouldn't be anywhere near as simple as it is for SETI or Folding...

In the mean time, if there's any volunteers for porting i'm sure they'd be welcommed!
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Profile Paul D. Buck

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Message 59043 - Posted: 26 Jan 2009, 21:56:38 UTC - in response to Message 59024.  

If you want to use your nVidia gpu, you can try Boinc projects such as gpugrid, seti, yoyo, and non-Boinc Folding@Home.


Um, when, where?

All I have ever gotten from them is CPU tasks ...

As far as I know the only two projects on BOINC that use the GPU are GPU Grid and SETI@Home ...
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Message 59049 - Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 0:59:07 UTC

my bad.

i "thought" i read somewhere that one of the "wrapped" projects was potentially going to have gpu code in the near future.

can't locate it now.

apologies all the way around...
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Profile Paul D. Buck

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Message 59053 - Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 5:45:16 UTC - in response to Message 59049.  

my bad.

i "thought" i read somewhere that one of the "wrapped" projects was potentially going to have gpu code in the near future.

can't locate it now.

apologies all the way around...

its Ok ...

The only other project that has a glimmer on the horizon is Einstein@Home though the project denies or simply refuses to comment, there was a blurp in the Nvida press saying that they had an application in the works ...

And, I would surely like to see that ... GPU Grid is Ok in many respects, but their CPU load is far too high to suit me ...
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Message 59056 - Posted: 27 Jan 2009, 9:54:56 UTC
Last modified: 27 Jan 2009, 9:55:22 UTC

I know that some crunchers have their reasons, but for the time being, i am happy using my lowly nVidia 9600 gso (which replaced a burnt-out ati 4850, lol !!!) on Folding@Home.

My quadcore cpu runs Boinc nicely, and F@H seems to use the nVidia with very little cpu overhead.

A win-win as I see it...
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Message 59243 - Posted: 2 Feb 2009, 20:51:28 UTC
Last modified: 2 Feb 2009, 20:56:30 UTC

I have noticed that since installing my new graphics card, I have 4 threads rather then 2 running and assume one or several of the projects I run are using the processor on the graphics card leading to the 4 processes I see running now, (previously 2).

Simple question, (but probably, like most simple questions - no simple answer!), can I add another, or several more graphics cards to this machine and expect them to also pick up tasks and run them?

I had 2 processes running before the graphics card swap, (dual core processor), I now see 4 running. The graphics cards are relatively cheap and importantly, do not use desk space. I was wondering if I could add more of these cards and expect to see them running processes as well without them even having a screen attached.

Any hidden costs?

Not really a Rosetta issue if it doesn't use them, I know (now), but thought I'd ask here anyway.

As far as I know the only two projects on BOINC that use the GPU are GPU Grid and SETI@Home ...

I have had 4 CPDN's running at the same time.
Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.
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Profile Paul D. Buck

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Message 59252 - Posted: 3 Feb 2009, 6:05:43 UTC
Last modified: 3 Feb 2009, 6:06:56 UTC


Yes, no, maybe ... :)

Um, not sure which computer you are referring to ... you have three listed here, two quads and a single core...

But, let me give it a shot.

Assuming that you are running a suitable version of BOINC Manager 6.2.something is supposed to be Ok, though I have had best luck with 6.5.0, *AND* you have a CUDA capable video card, *AND* the proper video drivers installed, I have had best luck with 180.22, and you are on the right OS, and attached to one of the three BOINC projects that have CUDA work you will start running tasks on the Nvida card ...

With 6.5.0, on my Q9300 with a 9800GT installed I am able to run a total of 6 projects at the same time. FreeHal which is non-cpu intense (would also be able to add DepSPDR were it still alive, or QCN if I had the sensor), 4 CPU intense projects like Rosetta, ABC, etc. *AND* either SaH, SaH Beta, or GPU Grid on the single GPU core of the 9800GT ...

If I put a 9800GT2 or GTX 295 I could run one more GPU task ...

On my i7, with its 8 virtual CPUs I can see 9 tasks, FreeHAL, and 8 CPU intense as before along with 3 GPU Grid tasks because I have a 2 Core GTX 295 and a GTX 280 installed...

When I replace the GTX 280 (moving it to the Q9300) with the GTX 295 I will go up to four GPU Grid tasks so I could be seeing 13 tasks at the same time on that one machine... sadly that will be it because I only really have two PCI-e slots in that MB available ...

GPU Grid did have a problem for what seemed the longest time where the "feeder" application consumed 7% CPU per GPU task on the i7 and 22% on the Q9300 ... thankfully those days are behind us and the CPU load is below 1% (well, you may see flashes up to 3% but they only last a second) ...

Yes, as you add GPU cards you will see more tasks running.

Hidden cost is POWER ... make sure you PSU can handle the additional cards... my i7 is pulling 600 W with the two GPUs running. But it is also churning out the work too ... my daily production has gone from about 18-20K per day to 50 to 64K per day ... and will go up some more Wednesday as I add one more core to my farm ...

My personal less than detailed look at the delta between the 9800GT and the GTX 280 on SaH did not show me much performance difference (though I have a plan to measure that this week as I shift cards about) in that my eyeball test seemed to indicate that the CPU / wall clock time was almost the same between the two ... I may have mis-timed them, or mis-remember the results ... so a test is in order.

To do THAT I will be putting the 9800GT into one of my Dells and fire up the two machines to run SaH Beta for a day (assuming I can get the work) and then look to see how many tasks the two machines complete in that period. I will also try to time them ... one side test is to look at the power draw while running the GPU in the Q9300 for later comparison when I put that machine back to GPU Grid ...

Hope this helps, ask specific questions if I missed something ...
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Message 59255 - Posted: 3 Feb 2009, 12:48:50 UTC - in response to Message 59243.  

I have noticed that since installing my new graphics card, I have 4 threads rather then 2 running and assume one or several of the projects I run are using the processor on the graphics card leading to the 4 processes I see running now, (previously 2).

Simple question, (but probably, like most simple questions - no simple answer!), can I add another, or several more graphics cards to this machine and expect them to also pick up tasks and run them?

I had 2 processes running before the graphics card swap, (dual core processor), I now see 4 running. The graphics cards are relatively cheap and importantly, do not use desk space. I was wondering if I could add more of these cards and expect to see them running processes as well without them even having a screen attached.

Any hidden costs?

Not really a Rosetta issue if it doesn't use them, I know (now), but thought I'd ask here anyway.

As far as I know the only two projects on BOINC that use the GPU are GPU Grid and SETI@Home ...

I have had 4 CPDN's running at the same time.

You are running 4 tasks because you have a quad core pc, nothing is running on the video card because Rosetta does not have a Cuda app right now. As Paul said IF you were running a newer version of Boinc, you are only running version 6.2.19 right now, AND were connected to a project that had a Cuda app, then yes you could be crunching with your video card. But currently no, you are not.
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