method to get granted credits, claimed credits and cpu time?

Message boards : Number crunching : method to get granted credits, claimed credits and cpu time?

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Message 57556 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 17:09:51 UTC


I was wondering if there is any other method to see how much credits i get for the workunits i computed, than looking at this page:

i would like to write a program that compares claimed, granted credits and cpu time for different computers using different operating systems.

is it possible to get this data in a more readable format? like xml?
or is there any other method, because i am a quite scared of having to parse html :)

thanks for your help and kind regards
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Message 57560 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 18:45:40 UTC - in response to Message 57556.  


I was wondering if there is any other method to see how much credits i get for the workunits i computed, than looking at this page:

i would like to write a program that compares claimed, granted credits and cpu time for different computers using different operating systems.

is it possible to get this data in a more readable format? like xml?
or is there any other method, because i am a quite scared of having to parse html :)

thanks for your help and kind regards

i did one about a year ago - if you PM me your email address i'll mail it to you. I can't really remember how it works but it seems fairily straight forward - you enter a start Work Unit ID and how many WUs to check and it picks out the credit info and computer ID etc for each. The computer ID is then cross-referenced from the user.gz file which I dumped into Access (10MB gz file but came in at a hefty 260MB when imported into Access last year- probably quite a lot more now!).

I'm sure there's a more efficient way to do this but i think it'd have to be in-house? I don't think the gz files give enough info. Maybe there's a time during the day when there's least load on the servers which is best to run this...
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Message 57567 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 20:41:51 UTC
Last modified: 3 Dec 2008, 23:53:05 UTC

The gz files dcdc is referring to are the stats available here:

...but they don't have task-level details. So, all you can really see is RAC, which is easily distorted by other projects, or turning off the machine, or whatever. You can't really see down to the level of seconds of CPU yielded X credits.
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 57572 - Posted: 3 Dec 2008, 23:25:37 UTC - in response to Message 57567.  

The gz files dcdc is referring to are the stats available here:

...but they don't have task-level details. So, all you can really see is RAC, which is easily distorted by other projects, or turning off the machine, or whatever. I can't really see down to the level of seconds of CPU yielded X credits.

sorry - wasn't clear. The work unit info is pulled from the web pages (not particularly efficient I know), it's just the computer info for each of those work units that's pulled from the gz file.
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Message 57583 - Posted: 4 Dec 2008, 12:04:04 UTC - in response to Message 57572.  

The gz files dcdc is referring to are the stats available here:

...but they don't have task-level details. So, all you can really see is RAC, which is easily distorted by other projects, or turning off the machine, or whatever. I can't really see down to the level of seconds of CPU yielded X credits.

sorry - wasn't clear. The work unit info is pulled from the web pages (not particularly efficient I know), it's just the computer info for each of those work units that's pulled from the gz file.

ok thanks for your answers.
pmd you dcdc
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