Unfair credit system for Rosetta@home users.

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Message 57363 - Posted: 29 Nov 2008, 22:01:50 UTC

Hi soon I will break 500 000 credits at Rosetta@home.

I also try crunch at QMC@home and I saw that this project gives 2x more credits for WU than Rosetta...

WHY !!!
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Message 57376 - Posted: 30 Nov 2008, 10:46:59 UTC - in response to Message 57363.  

Hi soon I will break 500 000 credits at Rosetta@home.

I also try crunch at QMC@home and I saw that this project gives 2x more credits for WU than Rosetta...

WHY !!!

G'Day TomaszPawel,
This project has always been a low credit payer since I joined back in 2005.
It gives quite a bit lower than standard app on Seti, QMC now gives a little more than Seti (it used to gives a lot more), so this then makes Rosetta look even lower still.

People with the latest fast processors don't see a problem with Rosetta as they still get fairly good returns, but people with less than the latest processors (and also AMD seems to have a performance problem on this project as well), will get below par returns.

Also the way returned results are averaged to give credits for work units can also give you far lower than claimed.

On an AMD 4800+ machine that does Seti, QMC, Rosetta, Docking
I get about 20 cr/h on Seti
I get about 23 cr/h on QMC
I get about 13 cr/h on Rosetta
I get about 14 cr/h on Docking

As you can see both Docking and Rosetta (also Ralph on 12 cr/h) are poor payers, I have bought this up on Docking as well, so far to no avail.

If the idea is to make parity with Seti then Rosetta is not trying to do that.
All the projects that pay more than Seti get hammered to lower their awarded credits but all the projects that pay less than Seti are left alone, I see no balance in that state of affairs.

As the project is still very worthwhile I have continued to process work units, but I would like a bit better pay for the effort.
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Message boards : Number crunching : Unfair credit system for Rosetta@home users.

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