Message boards : Number crunching : Team Points STOLEN!!!!! Over 6 Million Points!
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![]() Volunteer moderator Project administrator Project developer Project scientist Send message Joined: 1 Jul 05 Posts: 1480 Credit: 4,334,829 RAC: 0 |
I think someone can trespass without the owner knowing. If something like 7 years pass and the trespasser used and maintained the land, he/she can claim it. But all it takes to keep the land is the owner to say get out or I'll call the police during that period. look up "Adverse possession". It's obviously not completely analogous but it is similar and it doesn't seem right. edit: I shouldn't have said "all the time" since I don't know how often it happens, but I hear and read about it on the news. My neighbor's mother is dealing with it now. She has lived in a historic cottage all her life and there has always been a slate stone wall around the property. A developer recently bought the neighboring property and wants to remove the 100 year old stone wall to make a passage to the beach because the property line on paper is actually not where the wall is and there is no space in their plans without the wall removed. I side with the mom in this case. The wall has stood there for over 100 years and she has maintained it, spending thousands (over 20 grand relatively recently) and has a garden beside it. It has always been accepted as the property line, except on paper. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 19 Sep 05 Posts: 271 Credit: 824,883 RAC: 0 |
I see the same pattern at SIMAP, the three members only amount to 15K credits but "their" team has 186K: ![]() It's obviously stolen as well. Grüße vom Sänger ![]() |
Pepo![]() Send message Joined: 28 Sep 05 Posts: 115 Credit: 101,358 RAC: 0 |
I just made them aware of this in their forum ;) Barbar is striving for surprises... I'll translate his manifestation sometimes later. Today a new Space Family team was "founded", if it matters, as a dower it has got 1,909,178 cobbles on DAY ONE :-) OK, actually it is their former home team ?????????, captured on 11 Dec 2007 from mdhurst, gjones and dashaund, and later renamed to "Czech Boinc Team" - today it was further renamed to "Space Family", you will notice it tomorow on the stats sites too. I believe I know what you all think these guys deserve... Peter |
Pepo![]() Send message Joined: 28 Sep 05 Posts: 115 Credit: 101,358 RAC: 0 |
I see the same pattern at SIMAP, the three members only amount to 15K credits but "their" team has 186K: Sure. Check 16 Dec 2007 on SIMAP BOINC Team Joining/Leaving Statistics for Space Family and following graph: ![]() Peter |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 19 Sep 05 Posts: 271 Credit: 824,883 RAC: 0 |
I see the same pattern at SIMAP, the three members only amount to 15K credits but "their" team has 186K: It was the former team Bevo, inactive in all projects now. |
Whl. Send message Joined: 29 Dec 05 Posts: 203 Credit: 275,802 RAC: 0 |
Thanks very much David. :thumbsup: I see Barbar and his cronies are still up to their old tricks guys. He needs booted out completely. ![]() |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 2 Nov 05 Posts: 258 Credit: 3,789,945 RAC: 10,284 ![]() |
Cheers to the Rosetta@home crew for restoring Teddies! |
LoCatus![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jul 08 Posts: 4 Credit: 5,825 RAC: 0 |
Glad to see this got resolved in what I see as a quick and acceptable manner. BZ and Cheers to the Rosetta crew. Crunching cause I can, with BitBenderTech Feel free to join us both on the team and at the BitBenderForums |
The_Bad_Penguin![]() Send message Joined: 5 Jun 06 Posts: 2751 Credit: 4,271,025 RAC: 0 |
For an academic exercise in property law: With all due respect, having taken a year's worth of Property (including both theory and caselaw) at a top 50 law school, I think I know what "adverse possession" is in the legal sense, not a "dumbed down" layman's definition. The owner does not even have to say "get out" in order to maintain ownership rights. The owner can stand in the middle of a 100 acre piece of property, not knowing if anyone else is occupying it, and yell "If anyone is on this land, I give you permission to be here". That will defeat adverse possession. IMHO, the proper analogy is that there were original Teddies Team members who were earning credit, in spite of an "adverse possessor" now being listed as a new "owner" of the team. Thus, with original members still being active, they implicitly "granted permission" for the "adverse" new team members to be there. Certainly two sides to every coin though. That's why attorneys get paid the big bucks. Re your neighbor's mother, prima facia if the facts are exactly are exactly as you state them, she'll likely win on summary judgment. The developer has no case, other than having "deep pockets" and possibly attempting to "heavy hand" her. If she has title insurance, they should be paying for the lawyers to defend against the developer. If she's paying herself, and wins on summary judgment, she'll likely be able to recover any legal fees she's incurred. But hey, what do i know, i'm just a bad penguin... And I third it, "Cheers to the Rosetta@home crew for restoring Teddies!" look up "Adverse possession". |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jul 08 Posts: 9 Credit: 1,786,336 RAC: 2,490 ![]() |
Good stuff. I am truly impressed by the administration here. |
![]() Volunteer moderator Project administrator Project developer Project scientist Send message Joined: 1 Jul 05 Posts: 1480 Credit: 4,334,829 RAC: 0 |
I'm sure in the end, my neighbor's mom will win but it's been and is a big burden from what I heard. The similarity I see is that the founder is the owner, the person who has the ability to modify the team name and remove users, and not the members, and as the founder/owner, he/she has to take some sort of action against a takeover request within the "possession clock". Seems a bit similar to me. thanks for the legal advice! I'll pass it on to my neighbor. edit: oh and I didn't mean for you to "look up adverse possession", I was writing that post as you posted yours so I didn't even know you mentioned adverse possession and the fact that you know law so sorry if it seemed like the post was a response to yours, I was responding to Pepo (aside from the edit). |
The_Bad_Penguin![]() Send message Joined: 5 Jun 06 Posts: 2751 Credit: 4,271,025 RAC: 0 |
no biggie. certainly understand where you're comming from. immediate situation resolved. now let's determine best method for preventing a repeat. |
The_Bad_Penguin![]() Send message Joined: 5 Jun 06 Posts: 2751 Credit: 4,271,025 RAC: 0 |
hope you'll consider staying around, and possibly dedicating a small amount of your resources for CASP... Good stuff. I am truly impressed by the administration here. |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 9 Jul 08 Posts: 9 Credit: 1,786,336 RAC: 2,490 ![]() |
I'm somewhat determined to make sure this doesn't happen to my own team here, so yes I'll be keeping at least a small presence. I did originally join some time ago but have lost all trace of my original client and login, plus the server doesn't recognise any of my old email addresses, so I rejoined with this one. There's currently two "Dark Angel"s on my team, both are me. In the interests of transparency I'm petitioning for control of the team (BitBenderTech) as well, as our original team captain is long gone from us here and everywhere else. If anyone is interested in checking up on us our home forum is at We're primarily a tech forum, then a community with a bunch of crunchers. |
HFB1217![]() Send message Joined: 19 Jan 07 Posts: 1 Credit: 51,222 RAC: 0 |
When something similar happened in Seti with the person stealing points. The person was banned and stripped of his points. I think in this case the intent is obvious and just as egregious and a person with the ethics or really the lack of ethics is not one who belongs in the company of truly good and ethical members. **** A Founding member Seti BBR Team Starfire**** |
Ananas Send message Joined: 1 Jan 06 Posts: 232 Credit: 752,471 RAC: 0 |
I wonder how funny Free-DC will find their new team name at Nano-Hive :-/ |
Pepo![]() Send message Joined: 28 Sep 05 Posts: 115 Credit: 101,358 RAC: 0 |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 19 Sep 05 Posts: 271 Credit: 824,883 RAC: 0 |
OK, actually it is their former home team ?????????, captured on 11 Dec 2007 from mdhurst, gjones and dashaund, and later renamed to "Czech Boinc Team" - today it was further renamed to "Space Family", you will notice it tomorow on the stats sites too. The Team name was probably XM Satellite Radio, they have lost reasonable amounts in December. Perhaps Barbar has prepared several of this scams. If I recall correct I was the founder of 2 teams once somewhere for testing purposes, and I was founder of SG in malaria but crunched for another team (Dogbytes RIP team) for over a month, so diversification is possible. The Wate treatment would be fine for Barbar imho, but perhaps not for all his team mates. Grüße vom Sänger ![]() |
Scribe![]() Send message Joined: 2 Nov 05 Posts: 284 Credit: 157,359 RAC: 0 |
Now that the status quo has returned it is probably time for a little reflection...teams often move from project to project and leave their 'remnants' lying around and as far as the fact that a founder does not respond to a single e-mail is not sufficient reason to give it to a 'stranger'...after all some ISPs, like mine, have pretty robust spam filters and a message can easily be marked as spam and then lost amongst masses of true spam. What should happen in the event of a nil reply is to then e-mail the next longest serving current member who is still sending in results.....or something least try and contact another current crunching member.... |
![]() ![]() Send message Joined: 19 Sep 05 Posts: 271 Credit: 824,883 RAC: 0 |
Now that the status quo has returned it is probably time for a little reflection...teams often move from project to project and leave their 'remnants' lying around and as far as the fact that a founder does not respond to a single e-mail is not sufficient reason to give it to a 'stranger'...after all some ISPs, like mine, have pretty robust spam filters and a message can easily be marked as spam and then lost amongst masses of true spam. It was "good" that your team was a bit alive still, so it became known. In Simap they hijacked a totally dead team, and so the only crunching members were Barbar and acomplices probably. Such Teams, that once crunched, stopped for whatever reason and are completely dead are fair game for users like Barbar. There is a long diskussion going on on the BOINC_dev mailing list, you can read without registering, but it's OK to register. Imho the automatism could be ditched complete, it's a bit more hassle for valid wannabe founders in existing teams (we endured this once as well in S.G, a founder had left without a trace), but that's life. Better a bit inconvenient than this mess. David Anderson (and some others as well) seems to like the automatism, I don't (and some others as well ;). Feel free to add your 2cent there Grüße vom Sänger ![]() |
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Number crunching :
Team Points STOLEN!!!!! Over 6 Million Points!
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