BOINC and Windows Vista

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Message 46822 - Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 4:55:31 UTC

I bought a new PC that runs Vista, and it blocks BOINC from running at startup unless I manually allow it every time. Does anybody know how to stop Windows from overruling me on what programs I want to automatically run?
ID: 46822 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Tom Philippart

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Message 46837 - Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 9:52:05 UTC - in response to Message 46830.  
Last modified: 23 Sep 2007, 9:53:50 UTC

Boinc still isn't 100% Vista compatible:
- If you use version 5.10.x, it won't startup automatically
- If you use version 5.8.x it will start up automatically, but you have to close it manually before shutting down in order to prevent work from getting lost (only occures sometimes, it is horrible if you crunch very long WUs)

The next version of Boinc: version 6 (currently in alpha testing) will fix all problems related to Vista.

ID: 46837 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile KSMarksPsych

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Message 46842 - Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 10:53:34 UTC - in response to Message 46837.  

Boinc still isn't 100% Vista compatible:
- If you use version 5.10.x, it won't startup automatically
- If you use version 5.8.x it will start up automatically, but you have to close it manually before shutting down in order to prevent work from getting lost (only occures sometimes, it is horrible if you crunch very long WUs)

The next version of Boinc: version 6 (currently in alpha testing) will fix all problems related to Vista.

Even if you use 5.10.x, you need to shut down BOINC or you run the risk of losing work (I lost about 80 hours on an unexpected reboot after installing VS). There's a registry change posted in the BOINC FAQ Service to slow down Vista's shut down.

I think if you turn off UAC, you'll be able to have BOINC start up without Vista bugging you.


It would be nice if Vista would actually remember that I told it 'Yeah. I know where this program came from!' But oh well.
Kathryn :o)
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ID: 46842 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 46849 - Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 12:36:51 UTC

And all this time I thought it was me not being Vista savvy!
ID: 46849 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile David Emigh

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Message 46851 - Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 12:59:28 UTC

This is fact: I run BOINC on a 64 bit Vista computer.

This is opinion: Every computer needs a little bit of processor "headroom" at startup, so I feel quite uncomfortable putting a process that will peg my CPU in the startup sequence. That's just asking for trouble.

Still more opinion: User Account Control is one of the most important parts of Vista's security plan. To turn it off is analogous to leaving a spare house key hanging from a string on the doorknob -- on the outside of the door.

This is fact: I hope Vista's SP1 will alleviate some of this.

Thanks for enduring my opinions :-)
Rosie, Rosie, she's our gal,
If she can't do it, no one shall!
ID: 46851 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 46856 - Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 14:05:38 UTC

User Account Control is one of the most important parts of Vista's security plan.

UAC is garbage. It is intended (as designed) to relieve people of the responsiblity of learning how to protect their computer.
e6600 quad @ 2.5ghz
2418 floating point
5227 integer

e6750 dual @ 3.71ghz
3598 floating point
7918 integer

ID: 46856 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Jmarks

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Message 46859 - Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 16:21:47 UTC

I bet if you choose the 'Inatall Bionic as a Service" Bionic would run much better.
ID: 46859 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

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Message 46862 - Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 18:51:46 UTC - in response to Message 46851.  

This is fact: I run BOINC on a 64 bit Vista computer.

This is opinion: Every computer needs a little bit of processor "headroom" at startup, so I feel quite uncomfortable putting a process that will peg my CPU in the startup sequence. That's just asking for trouble.

Still more opinion: User Account Control is one of the most important parts of Vista's security plan. To turn it off is analogous to leaving a spare house key hanging from a string on the doorknob -- on the outside of the door.

This is fact: I hope Vista's SP1 will alleviate some of this.

Thanks for enduring my opinions :-)

I agree; BOINC should (one of) the last services to start.

For starters, those who have BOINC as a service can use this to delay its startup:

I would recommend at a minimum that BOINC dependsonservice RpcSS. The "Note:" at the bottom of the linked page says use Spooler as a common service.
ID: 46862 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile adrianxw

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Message 47127 - Posted: 28 Sep 2007, 7:31:40 UTC
Last modified: 28 Sep 2007, 7:43:13 UTC

I installed BOINC in a directory other then "Program Files" to avoid potential issues with "system areas". This morning, I had my first problem. When I arrived, the machine was not crunching. (Only attached to Rosetta at this time, leave in memory, no graphics, BOINC 5.10.20)

I opened BOINCManager, and it said it could not connect to the client and popped a Try Again messagebox up. The BOINCManager window showed no projects attached, no tasks, no messages. I clicked Yes, and it jumped back into life, populating the Manager window with the correct information. This was at 08:45.

The messages up to 08:21 look normal with no errors, the messages from 08:45 are also normal, only slight oddity is the requests are for a few seconds work, but I have 7 3 hour wu's on the machine at the moment, with connect every 0.1 set as the interval - seems excessive to me. Anyway...

2007-09-28 07:11:42 [rosetta@home] Sending scheduler request: To fetch work
2007-09-28 07:11:42 [rosetta@home] Requesting 8 seconds of new work, and reporting 1 completed tasks
2007-09-28 07:11:47 [rosetta@home] Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509]
2007-09-28 07:11:47 [rosetta@home] Deferring communication for 4 min 2 sec
2007-09-28 07:11:47 [rosetta@home] Reason: requested by project
2007-09-28 07:11:49 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Started download of file FLUA_.fasta.gz
2007-09-28 07:11:49 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Started download of file FLUA_.psipred_ss2.gz
2007-09-28 07:11:51 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Finished download of file FLUA_.fasta.gz
2007-09-28 07:11:51 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Throughput 166 bytes/sec
2007-09-28 07:11:51 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Finished download of file FLUA_.psipred_ss2.gz
2007-09-28 07:11:51 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Throughput 44 bytes/sec
2007-09-28 07:11:51 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Started download of file boinc_mfr_aaFLUA_03_05.200_v1_3.gz
2007-09-28 07:11:51 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Started download of file boinc_mfr_aaFLUA_09_05.200_v1_3.gz
2007-09-28 07:11:59 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Finished download of file boinc_mfr_aaFLUA_03_05.200_v1_3.gz
2007-09-28 07:11:59 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Throughput 206091 bytes/sec
2007-09-28 07:11:59 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Started download of file FLUA_.noe.barcode.gz
2007-09-28 07:12:00 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Finished download of file FLUA_.noe.barcode.gz
2007-09-28 07:12:00 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Throughput 469 bytes/sec
2007-09-28 07:12:00 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Started download of file FLUA_.noe.pdat.gz
2007-09-28 07:12:01 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Finished download of file FLUA_.noe.pdat.gz
2007-09-28 07:12:01 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Throughput 343 bytes/sec
2007-09-28 07:12:01 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Started download of file noetest.description.shorter.txt
2007-09-28 07:12:03 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Finished download of file noetest.description.shorter.txt
2007-09-28 07:12:03 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Throughput 164 bytes/sec
2007-09-28 07:12:08 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Finished download of file boinc_mfr_aaFLUA_09_05.200_v1_3.gz
2007-09-28 07:12:08 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Throughput 264259 bytes/sec
2007-09-28 07:27:36 [rosetta@home] Computation for task MFR_SYMM_FOLD_AND_DOCK_RELAX_gr83_2110_49435_1 finished
2007-09-28 07:27:36 [rosetta@home] Starting MFR_SYMM_FOLD_AND_DOCK_RELAX_RpT8_2_2124_12918_0
2007-09-28 07:27:36 [rosetta@home] Starting task MFR_SYMM_FOLD_AND_DOCK_RELAX_RpT8_2_2124_12918_0 using rosetta_beta version 580
2007-09-28 07:27:38 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Started upload of file MFR_SYMM_FOLD_AND_DOCK_RELAX_gr83_2110_49435_1_0
2007-09-28 07:27:43 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Finished upload of file MFR_SYMM_FOLD_AND_DOCK_RELAX_gr83_2110_49435_1_0
2007-09-28 07:27:43 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Throughput 17689 bytes/sec
2007-09-28 08:21:27 [rosetta@home] Sending scheduler request: To fetch work
2007-09-28 08:21:27 [rosetta@home] Requesting 40 seconds of new work, and reporting 1 completed tasks
2007-09-28 08:21:32 [rosetta@home] Scheduler RPC succeeded [server version 509]
2007-09-28 08:21:32 [rosetta@home] Deferring communication for 4 min 2 sec
2007-09-28 08:21:32 [rosetta@home] Reason: requested by project
2007-09-28 08:21:34 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Started download of file vvv001_03_05.200_v1_3.gz
2007-09-28 08:21:34 [rosetta@home] [file_xfer] Started download of file vvv001_09_05.200_v1_3.gz

28/09/2007 08:45:47||Starting BOINC client version 5.10.20 for windows_intelx86
28/09/2007 08:45:47||log flags: task, file_xfer, sched_ops
28/09/2007 08:45:47||Libraries: libcurl/7.16.4 OpenSSL/0.9.8e zlib/1.2.3
28/09/2007 08:45:47||Data directory: C:Usersawboinc
28/09/2007 08:45:47||Processor: 2 GenuineIntel Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 4300 @ 1.80GHz [x86 Family 6 Model 15 Stepping 2]
28/09/2007 08:45:47||Processor features: fpu tsc pae nx sse sse2 pni mmx
28/09/2007 08:45:47||OS: Microsoft Windows Vista: Professional Edition, (06.00.6000.00)
28/09/2007 08:45:47||Memory: 1014.69 MB physical, 2.23 GB virtual
28/09/2007 08:45:47||Disk: 218.87 GB total, 204.60 GB free
28/09/2007 08:45:47||Local time is UTC +1 hours
28/09/2007 08:45:47|rosetta@home|URL:; Computer ID: 611922; location: school; project prefs: school
28/09/2007 08:45:47||General prefs: from rosetta@home (last modified 2007-09-26 16:48:48)
28/09/2007 08:45:47||Host location: school
28/09/2007 08:45:47||General prefs: using separate prefs for school
28/09/2007 08:45:47||Preferences limit memory usage when active to 1014.69MB
28/09/2007 08:45:47||Preferences limit memory usage when idle to 1014.69MB
28/09/2007 08:45:47||Preferences limit disk usage to 9.31GB
28/09/2007 08:45:47|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file vvv001_03_05.200_v1_3.gz
28/09/2007 08:45:47|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file vvv001_09_05.200_v1_3.gz
28/09/2007 08:45:47|rosetta@home|Restarting task MFR_SYMM_FOLD_AND_DOCK_RELAX_RpT8_2_2124_3940_0 using rosetta_beta version 580
28/09/2007 08:45:47|rosetta@home|Restarting task MFR_SYMM_FOLD_AND_DOCK_RELAX_RpT8_2_2124_12918_0 using rosetta_beta version 580
28/09/2007 08:46:24|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file vvv001_03_05.200_v1_3.gz
28/09/2007 08:46:24|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 43235 bytes/sec
28/09/2007 08:46:24|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file v001_.fasta.gz
28/09/2007 08:46:25|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file v001_.fasta.gz
28/09/2007 08:46:25|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 256 bytes/sec
28/09/2007 08:46:25|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file v001.pdb.gz
28/09/2007 08:46:27|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file v001.pdb.gz
28/09/2007 08:46:27|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 19946 bytes/sec
28/09/2007 08:46:27|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file v001.loop_file.gz
28/09/2007 08:46:28|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file v001.loop_file.gz
28/09/2007 08:46:28|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 164 bytes/sec
28/09/2007 08:46:28|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file v001_1_id_model_17_idl.pdb.gz
28/09/2007 08:46:31|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file v001_1_id_model_17_idl.pdb.gz
28/09/2007 08:46:31|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 17098 bytes/sec
28/09/2007 08:46:31|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Started download of file paths_200_v001.txt
28/09/2007 08:46:32|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file paths_200_v001.txt
28/09/2007 08:46:32|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 2674 bytes/sec
28/09/2007 08:47:53|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Finished download of file vvv001_09_05.200_v1_3.gz
28/09/2007 08:47:53|rosetta@home|[file_xfer] Throughput 32500 bytes/sec

stdoutgui has this...

[09/27/07 11:15:31] TRACE [2828]: CAN'T FIND RESULT sr213_w002_CONTROL_ABRELAX_2117_51747_0

send: -1
send: -1
send: -1
send: -1
send: -1
send: -1
send: -1
send: -1
send: -1
[09/28/07 08:44:44] TRACE [2828]: RPC_CLIENT::init boinc_socket returned 668

[09/28/07 08:44:44] TRACE [2828]: RPC_CLIENT::init connect returned -1

[09/28/07 08:44:44] TRACE [2828]: RPC_CLIENT::init attempting connect

[09/28/07 08:44:45] TRACE [2828]: RPC_CLIENT::init_poll sock = 668

[09/28/07 08:44:45] TRACE [2828]: RPC_CLIENT::init_poll sock = 668

[09/28/07 08:44:45] TRACE [2828]: RPC_CLIENT::init_poll sock = 668

[09/28/07 08:44:45] TRACE [2828]: RPC_CLIENT::init_poll sock = 668

... for the sake of sanity, I clipped most of the send: -1 messages, there are literally thousands, probably tens of thousands of them.

The trace in stderrdae is

Unhandled Exception Detected...

- Unhandled Exception Record -
Reason: Access Violation (0xc0000005) at address 0x0016BED3 read attempt to address 0x00000008

Engaging BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger...


BOINC Windows Runtime Debugger Version 5.10.20

Dump Timestamp : 09/28/07 08:21:36
Debugger Engine :
Symbol Search Path: C:Usersawboinc;C:Usersawboinc;srv*C:UsersawAppDataLocalTempsymbols*;srv*C:UsersawAppDataLocalTempsymbols*

ModLoad: 00400000 000b6000 C:Usersawboincboinc.exe ( (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 5.10.20
Company Name : Space Sciences Laboratory
Product Name : BOINC client
Product Version: 5.10.20

ModLoad: 77080000 0011e000 C:Windowssystem32ntdll.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 76bc0000 000d8000 C:Windowssystem32kernel32.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

Get Company Name Failed.
ModLoad: 10000000 00013000 C:Usersawboinczlib1.dll ( (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 1.2.3
Company Name :
Product Name : zlib
Product Version: 1.2.3

ModLoad: 6cfc0000 0009b000 C:UsersawboincMSVCR80.dll (8.0.50727.762) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 8.00.50727.762
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005
Product Version: 8.00.50727.762

ModLoad: 76880000 000aa000 C:Windowssystem32msvcrt.dll (7.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 7.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 7.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 00150000 00030000 C:Usersawboinclibcurl.dll ( (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 7.16.4
Company Name : The cURL library,
Product Name : The cURL library
Product Version: 7.16.4

ModLoad: 74170000 00007000 C:Windowssystem32WSOCK32.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 771a0000 0002d000 C:Windowssystem32WS2_32.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 76760000 000bf000 C:Windowssystem32ADVAPI32.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 771f0000 000c3000 C:Windowssystem32RPCRT4.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 76570000 00006000 C:Windowssystem32NSI.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 73ac0000 00033000 C:Windowssystem32WINMM.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 76f00000 0009e000 C:Windowssystem32USER32.dll (6.0.6000.16438) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 766b0000 0004b000 C:Windowssystem32GDI32.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 769e0000 00144000 C:Windowssystem32ole32.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

Get Product Name Failed.
ModLoad: 764e0000 0008c000 C:Windowssystem32OLEAUT32.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name :
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 73a80000 00038000 C:Windowssystem32OLEACC.dll (4.2.5406.0) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 4.2.5406.0 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 00bc0000 000fd000 C:UsersawboincLIBEAY32.dll ( (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 0.9.8e
Company Name : The OpenSSL Project,
Product Name : The OpenSSL Toolkit
Product Version: 0.9.8e

ModLoad: 00190000 00030000 C:UsersawboincSSLEAY32.dll ( (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 0.9.8e
Company Name : The OpenSSL Project,
Product Name : The OpenSSL Toolkit
Product Version: 0.9.8e

ModLoad: 6d240000 00087000 C:UsersawboincMSVCP80.dll (8.0.50727.762) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 8.00.50727.762
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005
Product Version: 8.00.50727.762

ModLoad: 771d0000 0001e000 C:Windowssystem32IMM32.DLL (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 75940000 000c7000 C:Windowssystem32MSCTF.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 76fa0000 00009000 C:Windowssystem32LPK.DLL (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 76930000 0007d000 C:Windowssystem32USP10.dll (1.626.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 1.0626.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft(R) Uniscribe Unicode script processor
Product Version: 1.0626.6000.16386

ModLoad: 00200000 00008000 C:Usersawboincboinc.dll ( (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 5.10.20
Company Name : Space Sciences Laboratory
Product Name : BOINC Core Client
Product Version: 5.10.20

ModLoad: 757d0000 00014000 C:Windowssystem32Secur32.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 748f0000 0000f000 C:Windowssystem32NLAapi.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 751d0000 00019000 C:Windowssystem32IPHLPAPI.DLL (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 75190000 00035000 C:Windowssystem32dhcpcsvc.DLL (6.0.6000.16512) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 75400000 0002b000 C:Windowssystem32DNSAPI.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 75180000 00007000 C:Windowssystem32WINNSI.DLL (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 75160000 00020000 C:Windowssystem32dhcpcsvc6.DLL (6.0.6000.16512) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 74fa0000 0003b000 C:WindowsSystem32mswsock.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 72f00000 00008000 C:WindowsSystem32winrnr.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 76830000 00049000 C:Windowssystem32WLDAP32.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 75930000 00007000 C:Windowssystem32PSAPI.DLL (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 72980000 0000f000 C:Windowssystem32napinsp.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 72760000 00012000 C:Windowssystem32pnrpnsp.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 72f10000 00006000 C:Windowssystem32rasadhlp.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 74c70000 00006000 C:WindowsSystem32wshtcpip.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 75740000 0002c000 C:Windowssystem32apphelp.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

ModLoad: 6cb80000 00115000 C:Usersawboincdbghelp.dll ( (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.6.0007.5 (debuggers(dbg).051021-1446)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Debugging Tools for Windows(R)
Product Version: 6.6.0007.5

ModLoad: 70790000 00083000 C:Usersawboincsymsrv.dll ( (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.6.0007.5 (debuggers(dbg).051021-1446)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Debugging Tools for Windows(R)
Product Version: 6.6.0007.5

ModLoad: 70b20000 0003a000 C:Usersawboincsrcsrv.dll ( (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.6.0007.5 (debuggers(dbg).051021-1446)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Debugging Tools for Windows(R)
Product Version: 6.6.0007.5

ModLoad: 74dc0000 00008000 C:Windowssystem32version.dll (6.0.6000.16386) (PDB Symbols Loaded)
File Version : 6.0.6000.16386 (vista_rtm.061101-2205)
Company Name : Microsoft Corporation
Product Name : Microsoft® Windows® Operating System
Product Version: 6.0.6000.16386

*** Dump of the Process Statistics: ***

- I/O Operations Counters -
Read: 18453, Write: 0, Other 152120

- I/O Transfers Counters -
Read: 0, Write: 686731, Other 0

- Paged Pool Usage -
QuotaPagedPoolUsage: 61792, QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage: 90672
QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage: 6584, QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage: 60424

- Virtual Memory Usage -
VirtualSize: 43610112, PeakVirtualSize: 56479744

- Pagefile Usage -
PagefileUsage: 7692288, PeakPagefileUsage: 19427328

- Working Set Size -
WorkingSetSize: 7827456, PeakWorkingSetSize: 10313728, PageFaultCount: 14505

*** Dump of the thread (c4c): ***

- Information -
Status: Waiting, Wait Reason: ExecutionDelay, Kernel Time: 59904384.000000, User Time: 14664094.000000, Wait Time: 9373923.000000

- Registers -
eax=00000000 ebx=00465db0 ecx=00465db0 edx=00000000 esi=0012fd2c edi=00000000
eip=770e0f34 esp=0012fce8 ebp=0012fd50
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000202

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
0012fce4 770df7c0 76c078e0 00000000 0012fd2c 001247ab ntdll!_KiFastSystemCallRet@0+0x0 FPO: [0,0,0]
0012fce8 76c078e0 00000000 0012fd2c 001247ab 00000001 ntdll!_NtDelayExecution@8+0x0 FPO: [2,0,0]
0012fd50 76bc1da0 0000000a 00000000 0012fdf0 0043f7c2 kernel32!_SleepEx@8+0x0
0012fd60 0043f7c2 0000000a 0000000a 00000000 0040c9bd kernel32!_Sleep@4+0x0
0012fd70 0040c9bd 47ae027f 3f847ae1 6cfceaa9 6cfce447 boinc!boinc_sleep+0x0 (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10libutil.c:119)
0012fdf0 004300a1 00000000 3ff00000 00458b9a 00000000 boinc!CLIENT_STATE::do_io_or_sleep+0x11 (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10clientclient_state.c:430)
0012fe3c 004303eb 00000003 0043042c 0046fc58 00000001 boinc!boinc_main_loop+0x0 (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10clientmain.c:488)
0012ff5c 0043b1be 00000003 00e224c0 00e216a8 49da2ee1 boinc!main+0xf (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10clientmain.c:700)
0012ffa0 76c03833 7ffd6000 0012ffec 770ba9bd 7ffd6000 boinc!__tmainCRTStartup+0x17 (f:spvctoolscrt_bldself_x86crtsrccrtexe.c:597)
0012ffac 770ba9bd 7ffd6000 0012fa8d 00000000 00000000 kernel32!@BaseThreadInitThunk@12+0x0 (f:spvctoolscrt_bldself_x86crtsrccrtexe.c:597)
0012ffec 00000000 0043b307 7ffd6000 00000000 78746341 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart@8+0x0 (f:spvctoolscrt_bldself_x86crtsrccrtexe.c:597)

*** Dump of the thread (98c): ***

- Information -
Status: Waiting, Wait Reason: EventPairLow, Kernel Time: 0.000000, User Time: 0.000000, Wait Time: 9373403.000000

- Registers -
eax=74fa1abc ebx=c0000000 ecx=00000000 edx=00000000 esi=00000000 edi=74fd5058
eip=770e0f34 esp=0198ff68 ebp=0198ffa0
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000246

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
0198ff64 770e00f0 74fa1b25 00000188 0198ffa8 0198ff9c ntdll!_KiFastSystemCallRet@0+0x0 FPO: [0,0,0]
0198ff68 74fa1b25 00000188 0198ffa8 0198ff9c 0198ff90 ntdll!_NtRemoveIoCompletion@20+0x0 FPO: [5,0,0]
0198ffa0 76c03833 74fa4a7d 0198ffec 770ba9bd 00252d80 mswsock!_SockAsyncThread@4+0x0
0198ffac 770ba9bd 00252d80 0198fa8d 00000000 00000000 kernel32!@BaseThreadInitThunk@12+0x0
0198ffec 00000000 74fa1abc 00252d80 00000000 110e0042 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart@8+0x0

*** Dump of the thread (a44): ***

- Information -
Status: Waiting, Wait Reason: UserRequest, Kernel Time: 0.000000, User Time: 0.000000, Wait Time: 9373922.000000

- Registers -
eax=76c8bfd0 ebx=01b9fadc ecx=00000001 edx=00000065 esi=00000000 edi=00000000
eip=770e0f34 esp=01b9f988 ebp=01b9f9f8
cs=001b ss=0023 ds=0023 es=0023 fs=003b gs=0000 efl=00000246

- Callstack -
ChildEBP RetAddr Args to Child
01b9f984 770e06a0 76c077d4 0000008c 00000000 00000000 ntdll!_KiFastSystemCallRet@0+0x0 FPO: [0,0,0]
01b9f988 76c077d4 0000008c 00000000 00000000 01b94303 ntdll!_NtWaitForSingleObject@12+0x0 FPO: [3,0,0]
01b9f9f8 76c07742 0000008c ffffffff 00000000 01b9faac kernel32!_WaitForSingleObjectEx@12+0x0
01b9fa0c 00444937 0000008c ffffffff 004448b0 76c8bfd0 kernel32!_WaitForSingleObject@8+0x0
01b9fa24 76c55ac2 01b9fadc 01b94057 00000000 01b9fadc boinc!boinc_catch_signal+0xf (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10libdiagnostics_win.c:2143)
01b9faac 770f9f8e 01b9fadc 77088dd4 00000000 01b9ffec kernel32!_UnhandledExceptionFilter@4+0x0 (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10libdiagnostics_win.c:2143)
01b9fab4 77088dd4 00000000 01b9ffec 770cf108 01b9faf0 ntdll!__RtlUserThreadStart@8+0x0 (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10libdiagnostics_win.c:2143) FPO: [0,0,0]
01b9fac8 770840f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 01b9fbd4 ntdll!@_EH4_CallFilterFunc@8+0x0 (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10libdiagnostics_win.c:2143) FPO: [0,0,4]
01b9faf0 770e1039 fffffffe 01b9ffdc 01b9fbf0 01b9fbb0 ntdll!__except_handler4+0x0 (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10libdiagnostics_win.c:2143)
01b9fb14 770e100b 01b9fbd4 01b9ffdc 01b9fbf0 01b9fbb0 ntdll!ExecuteHandler2@20+0x0 (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10libdiagnostics_win.c:2143)
01b9fbbc 770e0e97 01b9e000 01b9fbf0 01b9fbd4 01b9fbf0 ntdll!ExecuteHandler@20+0x0 (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10libdiagnostics_win.c:2143)
01b9fbc0 01b9e000 01b9fbf0 01b9fbd4 01b9fbf0 c0000005 ntdll!_KiUserExceptionDispatcher@8+0x0 (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10libdiagnostics_win.c:2143) FPO: [2,0,0]
01b9fbcc 01b9fbf0 c0000005 00000000 00000000 0016bed3 ntdll!+0x0 (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10libdiagnostics_win.c:2143) SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetLineFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '01b9e000'
01b9fbd4 00000000 00000000 0016bed3 00000002 00000000 ntdll!+0x0 (c:srcboincsvnbranchesboinc_core_release_5_10libdiagnostics_win.c:2143) SymFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetLineFromAddr(): GetLastError = '126' SymGetModuleInfo(): GetLastError = '126' Address = '01b9fbf0'

*** Debug Message Dump ****

*** Foreground Window Data ***
Window Name :
Window Class :
Window Process ID: 0
Window Thread ID : 0


... I hope that is interesting to someone. At the time of the event, 08:21, the building was un-occupied.

Wave upon wave of demented avengers march cheerfully out of obscurity into the dream.
ID: 47127 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile Greg_BE

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Joined: 30 May 06
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Message 47149 - Posted: 28 Sep 2007, 16:39:23 UTC

i use xp and i got something similar on a wu.
look at this wu result
ID: 47149 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Profile hedera

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Joined: 15 Jul 06
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Message 48045 - Posted: 26 Oct 2007, 19:29:23 UTC

Thanks everybody for the feedback on BOINC and Vista. Having read all this, I think I will wait until BOINC 6.0 is available before adding my new Vista laptop to my Rosetta stable.

Never be afraid to try something new. Remember that amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.

ID: 48045 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote

Message boards : Number crunching : BOINC and Windows Vista

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