Credit not right...

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Message 44579 - Posted: 1 Aug 2007, 3:19:28 UTC

My system is pretty new, E6600 and 2 GB RAM. Pretty nice. Anyway, I don't see how I'm getting less credit than other people for the same amount of time. I checked my preferences, and the resource share is at %100. Work is allowed to take up to %100 of the CPU. Yet I get less credit. Is this normal?
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Profile dcdc

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Message 44582 - Posted: 1 Aug 2007, 7:42:52 UTC - in response to Message 44579.  

My system is pretty new, E6600 and 2 GB RAM. Pretty nice. Anyway, I don't see how I'm getting less credit than other people for the same amount of time. I checked my preferences, and the resource share is at %100. Work is allowed to take up to %100 of the CPU. Yet I get less credit. Is this normal?

which machine are you comparing yours to? The credit granting system here pretty accurately reflects work done. Don't forget some computers are overclocked above what's stated.
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Profile Jmarks

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Message 44586 - Posted: 1 Aug 2007, 11:17:38 UTC

See my question 'My PC should be doing more Work than it is' from 6 days ago if you are new to the project it take a month to get equal credits.
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Message 44589 - Posted: 1 Aug 2007, 13:46:45 UTC - in response to Message 44586.  

See my question 'My PC should be doing more Work than it is' from 6 days ago if you are new to the project it take a month to get equal credits.

...It can take a month to get an equal RAC. RAC=Recent Average Credit, and if you've only been crunching for a week, you don't have as much "recent" work done as others that have been crunching for a month.

...But the credit per unit of time, i.e. if you look at seconds of CPU time as compared to credit granted and the number of days studied, should be comparable to another machine of same type.

Ivaylo specifically mentioned time in the question, so let's help think of other reasons less work per day might be achieved.

Check your task manager and see if other tasks are consuming considerable CPU on your machine. The General Preferences for BOINC allow you to establish a maximum number of CPUs it should run on, and for some reason they default that to 1 rather then all. You should have a task active for each "core" (or hyperthreaded core) of your CPU. If that were the issue, you will see the idle task taking significant CPU time in your task manager.

Also, there is a General Preference for the CPU % to use. Ivaylo already checked and is at 100%.

There are also controls on the maximum amount of memory BOINC should use. If you have limited the amount of memory, your tasks may sometimes wait for memory that BOINC is using for other tasks to be freed before work can continue. You can easily see if this is the case by looking at the advanced view in BOINC Manager, at the tasks tab. The status would say "waiting for memory" rather then "running".
Rosetta Moderator: Mod.Sense
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Message 44592 - Posted: 1 Aug 2007, 18:29:26 UTC

50 credit's for 3hrs work per CPU is not bad and doesn't look wrong to me.
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Profile Ivaylo

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Message 44593 - Posted: 1 Aug 2007, 18:56:05 UTC - in response to Message 44592.  

50 credit's for 3hrs work per CPU is not bad and doesn't look wrong to me.

Yes, it isn't now. I updated BOINC and it works normally now. Thanks Mod.Sense for clearing up my question.

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