what if i need to shut down my computer

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Message 42166 - Posted: 14 Jun 2007, 11:54:50 UTC

If the task is not completed yet, and I shut down the computer, will the work resume when I turn it on again, or will it be lost forever?
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Profile Greg_BE

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Message 42168 - Posted: 14 Jun 2007, 11:59:13 UTC - in response to Message 42166.  

It depends on how far the task is in its running time. After a certain period of time (variable to each task) Rosetta does a benchmark and that is the last save point until the next benchmark. When you shut down and restart Rosetta will restart at the last benchmark it did. I found personally that somewhere in the range of 25-30 minutes is the earliest point that Rosetta makes a benchmark. Modsense will modify my statement if its not correct. But this is what I have seen personally.

If the task is not completed yet, and I shut down the computer, will the work resume when I turn it on again, or will it be lost forever?

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Profile dcdc

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Message 42171 - Posted: 14 Jun 2007, 12:21:21 UTC - in response to Message 42168.  
Last modified: 14 Jun 2007, 12:21:58 UTC

It depends on how far the task is in its running time. After a certain period of time (variable to each task) Rosetta does a benchmark and that is the last save point until the next benchmark. When you shut down and restart Rosetta will restart at the last benchmark it did. I found personally that somewhere in the range of 25-30 minutes is the earliest point that Rosetta makes a benchmark. Modsense will modify my statement if its not correct. But this is what I have seen personally.

If the task is not completed yet, and I shut down the computer, will the work resume when I turn it on again, or will it be lost forever?

greg - right idea but wrong terminology! you mean checkpoint rather than benchmark ;) (boinc runs a benchmark occasionally, but rosetta checkpoints as often as it can (as long as this doesn't exceed the write limit you set in your boinc preferences).

chiaz - as greg said, you'll lose some work when you shut down, but how much depends on how long since the last checkpoint. That depends on what type of task you're running and quite a few other factors. It will hopefully only be a matter of minutes each time though, although occasionally it will be longer.

I'm not sure if anyone's verified whether you lose work if you just hibernate???
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Message 42172 - Posted: 14 Jun 2007, 12:37:08 UTC - in response to Message 42171.  

Can I manually set a checkpoint?
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Message 42175 - Posted: 14 Jun 2007, 13:01:44 UTC
Last modified: 14 Jun 2007, 13:03:15 UTC


On most modern machines it is not a big issue as the application checkpoints quite frequently. Be aware though, that a very few other projects do not checkpoint at all, and others, on certain wu's only.
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Message 42176 - Posted: 14 Jun 2007, 13:22:07 UTC

chiaz, think of it this way, BOINC was designed to utilize some of your computer's processing power when it would otherwise be idle. It was not intended to be used only on machines that are powered on 24hrs a day. So, some fraction of work is lost, and when you start again, it recovers and continues.

BOINC was designed to be flexible and allow you to control thing in a way that help assure it does not interfere with the other functinos you perform on your computer. So, it must tollerate being ended and restarted; and it does.
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Message 42178 - Posted: 14 Jun 2007, 13:26:42 UTC - in response to Message 42176.  

Upon hibernation no work is lost, I favour this function as it saves wasting time and is especially useful on slow computers where anything up to an hour can be lost.
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Message 42182 - Posted: 14 Jun 2007, 15:55:48 UTC - in response to Message 42178.  

Upon hibernation no work is lost, I favour this function as it saves wasting time and is especially useful on slow computers where anything up to an hour can be lost.

I think someone pointed out that services are re-started when resuming from hibernation which might mean that rosetta restarts? i'll try and test it later...
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Message 42187 - Posted: 14 Jun 2007, 18:29:56 UTC

(dcdc) greg - right idea but wrong terminology! you mean checkpoint rather than benchmark ;) (boinc runs a benchmark occasionally, but rosetta checkpoints as often as it can (as long as this doesn't exceed the write limit you set in your boinc preferences).

(me) - ooops, brain got confused for the second time on that word.
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