Please stop sending tasks with 3-day deadlines

Message boards : Number crunching : Please stop sending tasks with 3-day deadlines

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Profile shanen

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Message 88322 - Posted: 20 Feb 2018, 10:06:50 UTC

The largest annoyance with the Rosetta@home project is caused by 3-day tasks. Please stop sending them. (They weren't so bad when they were half-size, but they are seriously annoying now.)

The Mac problem seems to have been fixed several days ago.

This Message Board input form is slightly annoying because the input fields are quite hard to find. After you click into a field to give it the focus, then it gets shading that makes it more visible, but until that it's almost identical with the background.
#1 Freedom = (Meaningful - Constrained) Choice{5} != (Beer^3 | Speech)
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 88323 - Posted: 20 Feb 2018, 10:42:11 UTC - in response to Message 88322.  

The largest annoyance with the Rosetta@home project is caused by 3-day tasks. Please stop sending them. (They weren't so bad when they were half-size, but they are seriously annoying now.)

If they need to send these wus, they have their reasons.
I think it's better to insert, in user's profile, the possibility to choose this kind of work.
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Profile shanen

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Message 88354 - Posted: 23 Feb 2018, 23:29:31 UTC - in response to Message 88323.  

I'm just trying to suggest a minimal solution, but sometimes I don't know why I stick with this project. I've already quit running several others for lesser annoyances... The latest and current annoyance is an rb task that has over 20 hours of running time and less than 50% progress. Normal working time is supposed to be around 8 hours (though many run 12 hours with little extra credit earned).

I've also expressed my deeper concerns that such things make the project look buggy. If I were an actual working scientist, then I'd want any results from Rosetta@home to be double-checked. (Fortunately, I believe that most of the results are negative and there's little reason to double-check those.)
#1 Freedom = (Meaningful - Constrained) Choice{5} != (Beer^3 | Speech)
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Profile shanen

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Message 88361 - Posted: 24 Feb 2018, 22:11:54 UTC - in response to Message 88354.  

Update on that sick task, though mostly I don't want to spend more time than needed "supporting" any BOINC project with my actual thinking time...

The stuck task accumulated over 28 hours of running time and was obviously making no progress. I should have noticed that the "Remaining" field was blanked as though it had already finished, but I kept staring at the increasing time in the "Elapsed" column and the stuck percentage in the "Progress" column. (Another annoyance is the different ordering of those columns on various machines, and that one is a Linux box with the %
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Profile shanen

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Message 88362 - Posted: 24 Feb 2018, 22:12:15 UTC - in response to Message 88354.  
Last modified: 24 Feb 2018, 22:20:41 UTC

Update on that sick task, though mostly I don't want to spend more time than needed "supporting" any BOINC project with my actual thinking time...

The stuck task accumulated over 28 hours of running time and was obviously making no progress. I should have noticed that the "Remaining" field was blanked as though it had already finished, but I kept staring at the increasing time in the "Elapsed" column and the stuck percentage in the "Progress" column. (Another annoyance is the different ordering of those columns on various machines, and that one is a Linux box with the %

Pretty annoying. I typed much more about the bug and what happened to it. Then I noted another bug. Then I tried to save the completed post and the buggy website apparently crashed it out, though it double posted parts of my attempts?

What started as a waste of time is thus extended into a longer waste of more time.

My conclusion in the original comment was buggy, buggy software. Now I have to upgrade that to buggy, buggy, buggy software.

I think the funniest thing is that I defensively saved the long comment to my clipboard before the first save attempt. Then at some point I put something else in the clipboard. *SIGH*
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Profile shanen

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Message 88363 - Posted: 24 Feb 2018, 22:19:53 UTC - in response to Message 88354.  
Last modified: 24 Feb 2018, 22:22:30 UTC

Apparently there were 4 stutters on the failure to post. Underlying that there was a partial autosave? But now I can't find any easy way to delete the stutters except overwrite them more briefly.
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Profile shanen

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Message 88364 - Posted: 24 Feb 2018, 22:20:13 UTC - in response to Message 88354.  
Last modified: 24 Feb 2018, 22:23:09 UTC

Probably not a useful diagnostic, but why is it turning off my sig as I try to dispose of this last stutter?
#1 Freedom = (Meaningful - Constrained) Choice{5} != (Beer^3 | Speech)
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Message 88365 - Posted: 24 Feb 2018, 22:28:43 UTC - in response to Message 88354.  

Update on that sick task, though mostly I don't want to spend more time than needed "supporting" any BOINC project with my actual thinking time...

The stuck task accumulated over 28 hours of running time and was obviously making no progress. I should have noticed that the "Remaining" field was blanked as though it had already finished, but I kept staring at the increasing time in the "Elapsed" column and the stuck percentage in the "Progress" column. (Another annoyance is the different ordering of those columns on various machines, and that one is a Linux box with the %
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Profile shanen

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Message 88370 - Posted: 24 Feb 2018, 22:32:19 UTC - in response to Message 88354.  

Update on that sick task, though mostly I don't want to spend more time than needed "supporting" any BOINC project with my actual thinking time...

The stuck task accumulated over 28 hours of running time and was obviously making no progress. I should have noticed that the "Remaining" field was blanked as though it had already finished, but I kept staring at the increasing time in the "Elapsed" column and the stuck percentage in the "Progress" column. (Another annoyance is the different ordering of those columns on various machines, and that one is a Linux box with the %
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Profile shanen

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Message 88371 - Posted: 24 Feb 2018, 22:32:50 UTC - in response to Message 88354.  

Update on that sick task, though mostly I don't want to spend more time than needed "supporting" any BOINC project with my actual thinking time...

The stuck task accumulated over 28 hours of running time and was obviously making no progress. I should have noticed that the "Remaining" field was blanked as though it had already finished, but I kept staring at the increasing time in the "Elapsed" column and the stuck percentage in the "Progress" column. (Another annoyance is the different ordering of those columns on various machines, and that one is a Linux box with the %
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Profile shanen

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Message 88441 - Posted: 7 Mar 2018, 22:29:43 UTC - in response to Message 88322.  

Is it safe to use the Message Boards yet? Still remembering last week's fiasco festival and wondering what was wrong with this website... Thank goodness for not caring much, eh?

Anyway, the 3-day-deadline tasks are back to raising their usual havoc. If you REALLY need to send that artificially urgent stuff and given that it's a lot of hassle to abort them, can't you at least get them to checkpoint properly?

Hmm... Actually I could just adopt the defensive tactic of nuking 3-day tasks on sight during the download phase... No major loss on my end that way. Time for an experiment: How many 3-day units do I have to nuke before bakerlab starts sending tasks with normal deadlines?
#1 Freedom = (Meaningful - Constrained) Choice{5} != (Beer^3 | Speech)
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Message boards : Number crunching : Please stop sending tasks with 3-day deadlines

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