Computer overcommited message

Questions and Answers : Macintosh : Computer overcommited message

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Rodrigo Jordan

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Message 9714 - Posted: 24 Jan 2006, 16:24:35 UTC

I have amessage in the message board for rosetta stating that my computer is overcommited. Thus my rosetta is not doing any work. Please help.
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Martin P.

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Message 17607 - Posted: 4 Jun 2006, 12:46:30 UTC - in response to Message 10291.  
Last modified: 4 Jun 2006, 12:52:02 UTC

This simply means that there is more work on your computer right now than the system thinks it can complete before the deadline for reporting back the results passes. I assume you are running more than one project. If that is the case, the system will only work on the projects that are nearing the reporting deadline, until it can catch up. In the mean time it will not download more work.

This happens with BOINC sometimes if you set your "Connect to network about every x.x days" setting to high, especially if you are running one of the optimised BOINC clients. This setting determines the size of work cache (number of Work Units downloaded to your system).

It is possible to set it so high that you will get too much work to complete. Try setting this value in your prefs to something less than a day (.25 or .1). Then using the "Projects" tab in the BOINC manager display, update each of your projects. After that just let the system run. It will work it self out and come back into balance.

Hi moderator9,

thanks for the explanation! However, it does not entirely reflect the actual situation. I run SETI@Home, Einstein and Rosetta. Rosetta is set to 20%. The problem is, that once Rosetta has finished all WUs it never downloads any new WUs. Even when the long_term_debt is highly positive (e.g. 30,000 and bigger) it does not download any WUs. The only way to force download is to pause other projects, but in this case it downloads so many WUs that the computer is overcommitted for many days.

I currently run at "Contact server every 3 days". Even when setting this to 0.3 days before suspending the other projects and resetting it after the download it still downloads too many WUs.

This is what I tried:
1. Set "Contact server every 3 days" to 0.3 days.
2. Set SETI@Home and Einstein to "No new work"
3. Suspend SETI@Home and Einstein
4. Rosetta downloads some WUs
5. Set SETI@Home and Einstein to "Allow new work"
6. Restart SETI@Home and Einstein
7. Set "Contact server every xx days" back to 3 days.
8. Now Rosetta downloads even more WUs, which should not happen since SETI and Einstein are both active -> computer is overcommitted.

Is there a solution to this problem? Resetting long_term_dept to 0.0 on all projects does not help either.

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Questions and Answers : Macintosh : Computer overcommited message

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