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Stevie G

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Message 108237 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 9:18:40 UTC - in response to Message 108234.  
Last modified: 30 Mar 2023, 9:20:01 UTC

I look out of the window and I see what I saw 45 years ago. Climate change is an excuse for politicians to exert control, it's a religion, and everyone's falling for it.

45 ys are nothing.
And yes, climate change is a SCIENTIFIC fact.
Only Donald Trump think is not.

Well, Donald Trump is not the only one who rejects the idea of climate chane. . Don't forget all the oil, gas and coal corporations, the entire Repubican party in the USA and evangelical religious fanatics.

quote]I look out of the window and I see what I saw 45 years ago. Climate change is an excuse for politicians to exert control, it's a religion, and everyone's falling for it.[/quote]

Do you think looking out your window and seeing the same thing you saw 45 years ago will give you a true picture of what is happening in the wider world? Maybe your window is not near an ocean where it would be threatened by rising seawater. Maybe it's not in a hurricane-prone area. Maybe it's not in an area that has had no rain in two years.

Maybe you should consider looking beyond your window.
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Stevie G

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Message 108238 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 9:25:11 UTC - in response to Message 108233.  

I would say that evolution is not an acccepted scientific principle.

Maybe creationists or Intelligent Design's followers think this.

I recommend that you read Darwin's "On the Origin of Species." It is one of the most influential books of all time.

I read it. But i also read "The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster". I

I belong to the Flying Spaghetti Monster FB group.

Or, if you prefer, a good book from a my compatriot, Telmo Pievani, "Imperfection"

Haven't read that one yet.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108239 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 9:30:34 UTC - in response to Message 108234.  
Last modified: 30 Mar 2023, 9:31:44 UTC

45 ys are nothing.
45 years is the industrial era. The same 45 years the loonies think we broke the climate. The point is we haven't changed it one bit in that time.

And yes, climate change is a SCIENTIFIC fact.
I prefer reality to what others tell me. I've looked at the actual stats. I've walked outside. Nothing's changed.

Even if we had changed it, it would be for the better, what do you think plants breathe? What do you think humans eat?

Only Donald Trump think is not.
You say that like he's a minority. Half of Americans voted for him.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108240 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 9:34:18 UTC - in response to Message 108237.  

Do you think looking out your window and seeing the same thing you saw 45 years ago will give you a true picture of what is happening in the wider world? Maybe your window is not near an ocean where it would be threatened by rising seawater.
The sea rose a lot before manmade "climate change". You could walk across the English Channel.

Maybe it's not in a hurricane-prone area.
We've always had hurricanes.

Maybe it's not in an area that has had no rain in two years.
A warmer climate would mean Russia could grow crops like Spain. Russia is a big land mass. So much food, we would flourish.
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Message 108241 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 9:40:42 UTC - in response to Message 108240.  

Then spain wouldn't be able to grow food.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108245 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 9:55:32 UTC - in response to Message 108241.  

Then Spain wouldn't be able to grow food.
So people move around a bit, who cares? We already import food from Spain to the UK, instead we'd get it from Russia. You're Russian, you should want climate change. New commodity for when the gas runs out.
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 108246 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 14:04:09 UTC - in response to Message 108239.  
Last modified: 30 Mar 2023, 14:04:32 UTC

I prefer reality to what others tell me. I've looked at the actual stats. I've walked outside. Nothing's changed.

I also prefer reality.
Every day i walk outside and see the sun running trought the sky and all thing stable on the earth.
So, the earth is at rest and the sun revolves around it. And Copernicus was wrong!!

Half of Americans voted for him.

Wow, that's science!!!

P.S. A lot of people vote for Barabbas.
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 108247 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 14:07:17 UTC - in response to Message 108237.  
Last modified: 30 Mar 2023, 14:07:41 UTC

Only Donald Trump think is not.

Well, Donald Trump is not the only one who rejects the idea of climate change. Don't forget all the oil, gas and coal corporations, the entire Repubican party in the USA and evangelical religious fanatics.

Strange. In this list there aren't scientists.
Oh, no, it's not strange.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108248 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 14:09:19 UTC - in response to Message 108246.  

I prefer reality to what others tell me. I've looked at the actual stats. I've walked outside. Nothing's changed.

I also prefer reality.
Every day i walk outside and see the sun running trought the sky and all thing stable on the earth.
So, the earth is at rest and the sun revolves around it. And Copernicus was wrong!!
Bad analogy. You cannot tell what the frame of reference is. But you can tell what the weather is like.

Half of Americans voted for him.

Wow, that's science!!!
It shows you have a 50% chance of being wrong.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108249 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 14:09:59 UTC - in response to Message 108247.  

Only Donald Trump think is not.

Well, Donald Trump is not the only one who rejects the idea of climate change. Don't forget all the oil, gas and coal corporations, the entire Repubican party in the USA and evangelical religious fanatics.

Strange. In this list there aren't scientists.
Oh, no, it's not strange.
Scientists are also biassed. By the gun pointed at them by the US government.
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 108250 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 14:19:14 UTC - in response to Message 108248.  
Last modified: 30 Mar 2023, 14:22:42 UTC

Bad analogy. You cannot tell what the frame of reference is. But you can tell what the weather is like.

The analogy is perfect. You use your senses and your intuition.
And it's WRONG.

(And you don't understand the difference between weather and clime).

It shows you have a 50% chance of being wrong.

It shows you have no idea of what science is
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 108251 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 14:21:59 UTC - in response to Message 108249.  

Scientists are also biassed. By the gun pointed at them by the US government.

A lot of italian scientists are agree with climate change fact.
Maybe italian governament are with gun pointed at them.

Every scientist, in the world, are threatened by their governaments!!

It's a big cospirancy!!!
ID: 108251 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Mr P Hucker

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Message 108252 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 14:29:23 UTC - in response to Message 108235.  

I made a terrible typo.
Wouldn't be the first time.

What I meant was I would NEVER deny that evolution was accepted science. I'm an anthropologist ferchrissake. I used to teach this stuff.

I am certainly no reliigous nut. I have no religion at all.
Climate change is a religion. It requires belief in something without evidence.

No, they won't. By the time the climate changes again, they will be extinct or in such low numbers as not to have a suficient gene pool for a viable population.
We have many things in our bodies left over from a very very long time ago. Stuff we evolve tends to hang around unless it causes a problem. Like storing absurd amounts of fat.

What is now England was once a part of Europe. Sea level then was 300 feet lower than it is today (The Florida coastline then extended 80 miles further out into the Gulf of Mexico.) England used to be connected to Europe, butwater built up by glacial ice melt caused a flood that washed away the land bridge that connected England to Europe and resulted in the English Channel. England was inhabited 40,000 years ago That's why Neanderthal remains have been found in England.
Indeed. The sea actually rose without man made "climate change", funny that.

That is not what you said. What you said was there was nothing complicated about evolution. But the reality of it is much more nuanced. You don't believe in nuance.
I believe in getting to the point.

In evolutionary terms, it doesn't matter whether you survive the virus or not if your genes are not passed to the next generation.
Dead people aren't usually in the habit of passing on their genes. The next generation will consist of zero people susceptible to covid.

And the virus probably does not die out. It mutates to different strains, as was observed in the past several years.
Like the common cold. But those immune to one are less susceptible to another.

The fact that you so far have not contracted the virus could just be a matte of luck or non-exposure. You may get it yet.
It's a very low chance.

Contrary to your belief, the vaccines are proven to be effective.
Look at the stats of people being admitted to hospital with serious covid, and how many were vaccinated.

Look at how many times they keep boosting people because the earlier ones failed.

True, some people got the vaccine and got COVID anyway. But it is proven that those who get the virus after being vaccinated are less likely to require hospitalization, are much less sick and recover faster.
I know people who got it worse the second time, even though the strain was milder. The difference? They'd been vaccinated.

Look at the stats from the USA in 2020. Most of those who died were Trump-following Republicans.
That proves nothing. They might just be less fit.

By technology, I mean the ability to make stone tools with which to hunt prey and make clothing from their skins to protect us from cold, the ability to make fire, build homes, grow crops. Those are technologies enabled by culture that have allowed humans to inhabit every place on earth, even to survive the arctic at the end of the ice age.
And allow the weak to survive. Lets heat the caves so the sissies who can't stand the cold live on. Oops, out of firewood.
ID: 108252 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Mr P Hucker

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Message 108253 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 14:32:14 UTC - in response to Message 108250.  

Bad analogy. You cannot tell what the frame of reference is. But you can tell what the weather is like.

The analogy is perfect. You use your senses and your intuition.
And it's WRONG.
My senses tell me the weather is the same. My senses cannot tell me what's going round what. Without astronomy, I would have said "we don't know".

(And you don't understand the difference between weather and clime).
Ah that old excuse. Climate is just long term weather. We can't even predict tomorrow's weather, nevermind the next decade.

It shows you have a 50% chance of being wrong.
It shows you have no idea of what science is
It shows I can do basic stats, which you just failed miserably at.
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108254 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 14:35:29 UTC - in response to Message 108251.  

Scientists are also biassed. By the gun pointed at them by the US government.
A lot of italian scientists are agree with climate change fact.
Maybe italian governament are with gun pointed at them.
More likely the mafia in your case.

Every scientist, in the world, are threatened by their governaments!!

It's a big cospirancy!!!
You actually think a government does anything for the good of the population? A few scientists predicted climate change, the government spent billions on carbon credit bullshit to make treehuggers vote for them, then some scientists said oops we're wrong, but the government had already spent all that money, so those scientists got ridiculed or shot.
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 108255 - Posted: 30 Mar 2023, 20:21:35 UTC - in response to Message 108254.  

Maybe italian governament are with gun pointed at them.

More likely the mafia in your case.

I stop here.
I don't want to loose my time with you.

This is a forum about Rosetta@Home and not about your personal strange and wrong beliefs
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Mr P Hucker

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Message 108256 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 3:38:32 UTC - in response to Message 108255.  

Maybe italian governament are with gun pointed at them.

More likely the mafia in your case.

I stop here.
I don't want to loose my time with you.

This is a forum about Rosetta@Home and not about your personal strange and wrong beliefs
I understand, you cannot say anything bad about your fuhrer in public.
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Profile [VENETO] boboviz

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Message 108258 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 8:35:29 UTC

More likely the mafia in your case.

I understand, you cannot say anything bad about your fuhrer in public.

I request to forum admin/moderator, to BAN PERMANENTLY this user from R@H forums.
ID: 108258 · Rating: 0 · rate: Rate + / Rate - Report as offensive    Reply Quote
Mr P Hucker

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Message 108260 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 10:02:09 UTC - in response to Message 108258.  

More likely the mafia in your case.

I understand, you cannot say anything bad about your fuhrer in public.

I request to forum admin/moderator, to BAN PERMANENTLY this user from R@H forums.
Oh stop being such a pathetic girl's blouse.
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Stevie G

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Message 108261 - Posted: 31 Mar 2023, 10:07:33 UTC - in response to Message 108252.  
Last modified: 31 Mar 2023, 10:22:18 UTC

I made a terrible typo.
Wouldn't be the first time.

I am not a good typist. I type pretty fast, but make a lot of mistakes.

What I meant was I would NEVER deny that evolution was accepted science. I'm an anthropologist ferchrissake. I used to teach this stuff.

I am certainly no reliigous nut. I have no religion at all.
Climate change is a religion. It requires belief in something without evidence.[/quote]

There is plenty of evidence for climate change. You just don't recognize it because you look out your window and don't see any change. It's a global phenomenon, not something seen out your window.

No, they won't. By the time the climate changes again, they will be extinct or in such low numbers as not to have a sufficient gene pool for a viable population.
We have many things in our bodies left over from a very very long time ago. Stuff we evolve tends to hang around unless it causes a problem. Like storing absurd amounts of fat.

What is now England was once a part of Europe. Sea level then was 300 feet lower than it is today (The Florida coastline then extended 80 miles further out into the Gulf of Mexico.) England used to be connected to Europe, but water built up by glacial ice melt caused a flood that washed away the land bridge that connected England to Europe and resulted in the English Channel. England was inhabited 40,000 years ago That's why Neanderthal remains have been found in England.
Indeed. The sea actually rose without man made "climate change", funny that. [/quote]

But it didn't happen in 100 years.

That is not what you said. What you said was there was nothing complicated about evolution. But the reality of it is much more nuanced. You don't believe in nuance.
I believe in getting to the point.[/quote]

You believe in getting to the point. But in rushing headlong to your point, you miss lots of critical details

In evolutionary terms, it doesn't matter whether you survive the virus or not if your genes are not passed to the next generation.
Dead people aren't usually in the habit of passing on their genes. [/quote]

EXACTLY! They died before passing on their genes. Therefore, they were less fit.
Vaccines made those who got it more fit.

[/quote]The next generation will consist of zero people susceptible to covid.[/quote]


And the virus probably does not die out. It mutates to different strains, as was observed in the past several years.
[/quote]Like the common cold. But those immune to one are less susceptible to another.

Not necessarily.

Where do you get your information? Sample size of one? British tabloids?? Rupert Murdoch?

The fact that you so far have not contracted the virus could just be a matter of luck or non-exposure. You may get it yet.
It's a very low chance.[/quote]

A higher chance than if you'd been vaccinated.

Contrary to your belief, the vaccines are proven to be effective.
Look at the stats of people being admitted to hospital with serious covid, and how many were vaccinated.

Look at how many times they keep boosting people because the earlier ones failed. [/quote]

No, they keep boosting people because new strains of the virus emerge. One of those little details you ignore. You even get periodic booster shots with smallpox vaccinations, Polio shots, tetanus shots, shingles shots, flu shots, pneumonia shots, etc. Have you any idea how many lives have been saved by these? No, you don't. That's another detail you ignore.

As I said at the start of this convesation, I believe in reducung human suffering. But yoiu just chalk that up to coddling sissies.

True, some people got the vaccine and got COVID anyway. But it is proven that those who get the virus after being vaccinated are less likely to require hospitalization, are much less sick and recover faster.
I know people who got it worse the second time, even though the strain was milder. The difference? They'd been vaccinated.

Look at the stats from the USA in 2020. Most of those who died were Trump-following Republicans.
That proves nothing. They might just be less fit. [/quote]

Some of them were old. But most of them believed Trump's bullshit and flatly refused to be vaccinated. About a million of them died.

By technology, I mean the ability to make stone tools with which to hunt prey and make clothing from their skins to protect us from cold, the ability to make fire, build homes, grow crops. Those are technologies enabled by culture that have allowed humans to inhabit every place on earth, even to survive the arctic at the end of the ice age.

[/quote]And allow the weak to survive. Lets heat the caves so the sissies who can't stand the cold live on.[/quote]

I guess you never lived in the arctic during the ice age. Without fire, humans probably would not have lived through the Ice Age. Fire not only saved lives, it allowed a wider variety of foods to be eaten and helped preserve it. That's how technology allows us to expand out into the wider world.

You keep harping on those sissies. I wonder why? Maybe you are part Neanderthal. I don't think they had fire.
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