Team Haiku - For glory and for a brilliant operating system

Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Team Haiku - For glory and for a brilliant operating system

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Joined: 20 May 07
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Message 44496 - Posted: 29 Jul 2007, 20:48:48 UTC

Wonder what all fuzz is about? Well we're not simply crunching for just the sake of crunching. Our ambition is to make the public aware of which is building an alternative operating system based on the ideals of The BeOS.

So instead of just crunching, and even doing it with free advertising for say a CPU manufacturer, how about joining a team which has ambitions which are noble and simply tries to help people to see options beyond Windows and Linux.

Join Team Haiku today in almost all projects, and feel free to visit and obviously the project we're supporting .

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Message boards : Cafe Rosetta : Team Haiku - For glory and for a brilliant operating system

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